43: Dio's choice

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"Oh? You can still stand?" Hikaru's voice carried a frown as he observed Dio's slow rise to his feet, each breath heavy and labored, his eyes ablaze with a potent mixture of hatred and disdain.

"Y/N..." Ai's voice called out to him, but Dio averted his gaze. Y/N was merely an alias, a mask he donned to conceal his thirst for power and his insatiable ambition to rule the world.

His breaths came slow and deep, as if the world's very fists lay within his chest, urging his heart to keep beating. Utilizing a trick he had once witnessed Jotaro employ to deceive him, Dio couldn't deny its effectiveness, though it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"...I've pondered whether heaven on earth could ever be attainable," Dio began, standing tall and resolute, his gaze unwavering on Hikaru.

"Perhaps I've been blinded by the past five years of peace and comfort. A veil shrouded my eyes, blinding me to the truth of this world." Dio sighed, his fists clenching with resolve.

"Scumbags like you thwart the world from knowing everlasting peace," he declared, adrenaline surging through his veins.

Suffering persisted because there existed beings who chose to inflict it on others. Dio knew he wasn't exempt, but he wondered if he would've treaded this path had his father been a virtuous man.

No, what if he possessed the power before to sway his father into goodness or prevent him from his misdeeds?

Memories of his beloved mother flashed across his mind, stirring emotions within him, and he found himself wishing humanity had clung solely to its virtuous side, abandoning the darkness that plagued it.

But he knew better than anyone that the allure of power, the thrill of domination, and the evil of humanity had consumed his life. His lust for power was inescapable, and he questioned whether his soul, tainted and corroded, could ever be salvaged.

"Y/N! Snap out of it, there's better ways to do things!" Ai pleaded the moment she realized Dio had ignored her and cupped his face.

"Ai Hoshino... wishing for this night to end without spilling blood is a pipe dream," Dio whispered, gently pulling her hands away from his face. "Close your eyes, run away, and forget. That is what you must do."

He was done. Changing himself was an optimistic dream. He had plunged too deep down the abyss of lust and greed. There was no saving his rotting soul, the same soul that reveled in the bloodshed of those weaker and those who opposed him.

Power was all he had left. His unrivaled strength that even death could not claim from him was too precious to forfeit for a feeble illusion of peaceful existence.

Yes, this was how it should be.

While Ai Hoshino walked a path that brought joy and hope to those who followed her, he left nothing but terror and fear in the wake of his own footsteps.

"I will end your suffering tonight," Dio declared, taking a step forward, only to be halted by a stinging slap across his face.

"Idiot!" Ai's voice rang out, tears welling in the corners of her eyes. "What are you saying? Did you punch your brains out when you made your way up here?"

Dio touched his cheek where she had struck him, his normally retaliatory instincts overridden by something in her gaze that immobilized him.

"Forget things?" Ai began, raising her hand for another blow, but Dio intervened, holding her wrist firmly.

"What has gotten into you, Ai Hoshino?" he asked, shooting a disapproving look at Hikaru, who watched the scene with amusement, while Hol Horse stood by, seemingly awaiting Dio's final breath.

"What's gotten into you? Where's Y/N? Where's the man I've spent the past five years with?"

"...Y/N doesn't exis—"

"Liar! I know he's in there!" Ai interrupted, her voice resolute and unwavering.

Now, gazing into Ai's eyes, brimming with tears, he beheld an unexpected revelation. In her gaze, he saw acceptance, love, and compassion—qualities he had long forsaken in his former life. He was foolish to believe that he could shed his old self so effortlessly. He was, and would always be, Dio—a symbol of malevolence.

Yet, perhaps Ai perceived in him something he himself had buried deep within, obscured beneath layers of darkness. Maybe she glimpsed a flicker of potential for change, an ember of goodness he had been blind to. The notion was unsettling, but it stirred a strange warmth in the recesses of his heart, sensations long absent.

As Ai's words resonated in his mind, Dio found himself pushing back against the warm feelings that threatened to engulf him. He was Dio, the epitome of evil, the man who craved power and control above all else. Emotions were weaknesses, distractions that would only hinder his ambitions. He couldn't afford to feel anything that could potentially cloud his judgment or weaken his resolve.

Dio stood at the precipice of a life-altering decision, torn between two conflicting paths. On one hand, there was the allure of returning to his old life as Dio, the ruler of darkness, the man consumed by power and ambition. The memories of his past deeds and the rush of controlling others beckoned him, promising an existence of dominance and authority.

On the other hand, there was the choice to be Y/N, the persona he had crafted in this new life. The one who had formed bonds, experienced friendship, and even found a glimmer of love in Ai's eyes. Embracing his humanity meant discarding the cold, calculating exterior he had perfected as Dio, and opening himself up to the vulnerabilities of emotions and connections.

The weight of the decision was immense, and Dio found himself grappling with conflicting desires. Did he truly want to return to the shadows, where he would forsake the warmth of companionship for the sake of power? Or was he willing to embrace the uncertain but potentially fulfilling path of humanity, where he might find purpose beyond domination?

As he contemplated his choices, Ai's voice echoed in his mind, reminding him that Y/N did exist within him. It was a part of him that he couldn't deny, no matter how much he tried to suppress it. The realization washed over him like a wave, leaving him feeling both vulnerable and liberated.

In the end, Dio made his choice.

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