3.And after all of all my dreaming being only you

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Everyone welcomed us as we stepped in the house.
"What lasted so long?"-Ben asked
"We stopped at the shops to get some booze mate"-James said.
-Great hope you got Jack"-Danny said in hopefull voice.
-"of course buddy"-James laughed.
So then we set everything on the table: some bottle of Jack Daniels,vodkas,some coca cola (for my luck some cherry coke too) 2-3bottles of wine and rum.
"Who owns this house?"-I asked the lads
"We built it for ourselves" -Sam answerred.
"That's so comfortable"-I said suprised.
We blasted the music: Slipknot,Infant Annihilator,ATTILA,Bloodbath and Chelsea Grin.
The first who was totally drunk,it was Danny,he lap danced to Ben,I drank a bit of vodka and after just Jack Daniels with ice cubes,I went outside to lit up a cigarette.
I watched in the distance,it was dark,trees everywhere,as I remembered on that stupid game called Slenderman + that old horror movie "Evil Dead" I felt the cold wind hits me and I shaked,but I felt a pair of arms hugged me from behind.
"Don't hurt me Slender..."I mumbled drunkly
"You afraid of a stupid story love?"-I heard James laughed as he said that.
I felt dizzy a bit,weird
"A bit..."-I nearly fell but James caught me.
"I knew I need to be sober to you"- he said - "now we're gonna go to sleep because your beautiful ass is drunk."-he said,laughed and picked me up bridal style.
"I need to get other clothes to sleep"-I whisperred.
"Can you change them?"-he asked.
"I guess"-I laughed
But he helped me to get change,he respected my personal things like...you know what I mean.
Then he put me down on the bed and he laid next to me.
I never thought in my wildest dream that could happen just from a simple meet&greet ...
After that thinking all I remember was I fell asleep.

*Next Day*
I woke up in James's arms...I had a fucking hung over,headache..oh shit.
I climbed out of bed,and I saw booze bottles everywhere...I quickly took them up and put in the trash then went to the kitchen and made coffee for everyone.
I put down painkiller next to every cup of coffee,except James,I knew he was sober.
I took in the painkiller,then went outside,lit up a cigarette and drink my coffee.
I heard the door opened but I didn't turn because the sun was too beautiful,I couldn't take my eyes away.
"Good Morning sweetheart thank you the coffee"-I heard James
I turned,smiled and responded:
"Good morning and anytime"
"We have a beautiful morning today haven't we?"
"Yeah...the sun just woke up and shines so beautiful like...I can't turn away" -I said quietly.
"Can we talk? I mean we spended 1whole day together and we will much more and we or I don't know a lot of things about you"- he said
"Well..."-I started -"I'm turning 17 in this year,I live with my mom because my father is a drunky dumbass and left me when I was 3,since that I'm depressed,got bullied at school everytime so that's all I guess" - I ended,I knew he would understand me.
"I'm so sorry about those"-he said suprised.
"No need to apology,it isn't your fault"-I said and smiled as he took my hands in his and caressed them.
"We're always there for you,you know that right?"-he said still holding my hands
"Yeah James..I know"-I said,rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Where is your phone?"-he asked.
"I don't know somewhere in the house"-I laughed
He went inside,couple of minutes after he came in,with my phone in his hand.
"Could you unlock for me?"-he asked
"Sure but why?"-I starred at him.
"You'll know"-he only said
I unlocked my phone and gave it to him
"Here you are"
I starred at him and saw he's typing he had my phone back to me
"I got you my number so you can reach me whenever you feel"-he said with a huge smile on his face.
I was about melt away but I didn't want to look like a bitch so I smiled back and responsed with:
"Okay thank you,I message you now so you can save mine"
"Sure"-he said and ran in the house to get his mobile,soon he came out and I sent him a message.
He saved my number,I could wonder how he saved it.
"It's pretty weird your name is Alexandra,and the band is Alexandria,just one letter difference"-he said as he wanted to break the silence
"why would be weird?"
"Just because we met up and the reason is you're there...you're special..and you're nearly Alexandria just that fucking "I" letter missing"-he said and laughed
"Oh hehe yeah quite interesting I could be Alexandria"- I said with a grin
"Can we go for a walk?"-he asked
We started to walk on the main path when we heard Ben.
"Good fucking morning"-Ben yelled as he walked out -"where in the fuck are you two going?"-asked
"We're just walking"-James yelled and continued the walking.
we arrived on a little hill,the view was so beautiful I was totally enchanted.
"Is it perfect view isn't it?"-he asked
"Ohh my"-I said and couldn't take off my eye ,I took off my eye from the view when I recognized what James doing with me

Too Hot -James Cassells storyWhere stories live. Discover now