12. My lips, your poison, They bring you to your knees.

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Author's warning: this chapter contains sexual parts,read for your only responsibility

I walked to the sink and washed my teeth,when I finished I made few touches on my look,I need to admit I looked quite hot in his T-shirt although I'm not an egoist person.
I walked out of the bathroom and James walked upstairs.

"I took a shower too honey"-he grinned.

"Alright badboy"-I smiled playfully

I turned in the bedroom's direction and gently grabbed his T-shirt,I pulled him into the room while we kissed passionately.
When we reached the bed I gently pushed him on the bed and climbed on him.
We kissed again,I pushed my backside few times on his penis.

"Awww I like that"-he whisperred in my ear,his hot breath touched my neck,I turned on even more.

"I was in that hope Cassells"-I whisperred into his neck then I started to pushed my bottom even more while I kissed his neck.
With that he started to moan,and suddenly he changed the situation and now he's up on me.

"Well let's see how do you react if I tease you for a little bit" - he whisperred.

"Hmmm,I'd love that"-I winked and grabbed his penis through his underwear

"Mmm,then let's see,little droomer what can I do for you..."-he started -"so what if I try something at your neck?"-he gently whisperred into my neck,then suddenly kissed it,I crossed my legs around his waist,I took my breath deep and so often until it changed to a moaning.
"Well well well...so maybe I should go downwards right?"-he "wondered". So he did,but not that much because he stopped at my breasts.
He pulled up his shirt on me and massaged them,then gently started to suck and lick them,while my mouth left silent moans.

"Aww Cassells,you're like a professional"-I moaned eyes closed.

"But you didn't feel all of my "professionality" yet,so let's see my bad girl how do you like if I touch your most intimate parts" -he smiled tricky -"and I almost forgot to say your breasts are so delicious"-he licked his lips.

"Mmm I'd like to feel it Dr.Cassells,my only and only one
gynecologist,I'm glad you find them tasty"-I whisperred.

"You call me Cassells for reason,let's revenge this"-he said and went more down.
He pulled down my panties,I had goosebumbs all over my skin.

"You love to call me Cassells don't you?"-he asked touching my vagina.

"Yes sir"-I smiled perky.

"What do you think this is a good thing?"

"Yes,certainly it is Cassells"-I licked my lips.

"You're so playful" -he said while caress my vagina.
It felt so great,his warm and huge hands on the weakest spot.
He kept caress for awhile,then put his hot juicy lips on it,I moaned loudly and I felt he smiled.
Then I felt even hotter,I knew he started to use his tongue,he licked it a bit and got even wilder.
He slipped one of his finger in then one more,he did first slow then did faster.

"Jameees"-I burst out screaming

"I guess I didn't hear it right"- as he said that he tried to do it even faster.

"Ca.....Cassells"-I moaned

He stopped and leaned on me kissed me hard,I pulled off his underwear and pushed him on the bed.

"So here's the time on my revenge,ass boy"-I grabbed his ass hard and snapped it.(if you ask me he has perfect ass)

"Mmm"-he moaned up and grabbed my bottom.
I kissed my way down from his lips through his neck,chest,stomach to his groin.
I grabbed his proudness and I gave small kisses on it,he moaned which made me even turned on (I thought I can't be higher but I was wrong)
My left hand was free so I grabbed his ass and I licked his penis from the bottom to the top,he took his breath heavily.
I licked it few times and asked him:

"Do you like?"-I smirked.

"Yeah,you don't know how much"-he licked his lips.

He exactly knew how to turn on a woman.
That was the point when I lost my passion a bit,still acted how high I am and gave him a blowjob while I wondered how many sluts he had through the years,or what he could do with Brandi,I didn't have the right to judge him because everyone has relationships of course,it just made me wonder,don't blame on me.
He sat up,I was still in my business,he grabbed my chin and gently pushed my head up,he leaned down and kissed me,he stood up,took my hand and then grabbed me up,I crossed my legs around his waist again,we had some kissing time then he put me on the bed,he leaned on me,pull off his T-shirt from me,and kissed my neck for awhile.

"Do you love mysteries?"-he asked between two kiss.

"Yeah"-I whisperred.
He took out a necktie and tied it gently on my eyes.

I heard some noises,like if someone kneads a metal bag,I guess he opened something,and the only thing he could open which is in metal bag is condom. Or I only hoped so,because I couldn't see it.
He removed the necktie,and got back,kissed my neck,I bite his lips gently,I crossed my arms around his neck,my legs are still around his waist,we're kissed and I felt something got into me awhile,it felt so good,I let few moan out between the kisses.
When he started he made it slowly,but he made it faster and faster and faster I never had orgasm yet but I felt something weird which was so good.

"Faster Cassells"-I screamed.
I felt that if he'd do it faster then maybe I would have my really first orgasm.
He tried his best to make it as fast as he can when we're spoke up together:

"I'm going to...."-we couldn't continue this sentence because suddenly intoxication filled both of us.
He threw himself next to me,we were sweating,tired and all of the things that sex does with the human.
He ripped the condom off his badboy and both of us gasped.

"It was so good"-I whisperred.

"It was perfect"-he pulled me closer,into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

We laid there for half an hour until we had power to get in the shower again.
I got on the same T-shirt again because it was barely on me and we went to sleep,I rested my head on his chest.
His heartbeat and calming breathing made me fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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