9. Last tragedy that you so proudly painted

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Sorry that I didn't update the story for awhile,I'm just working and the school will start soon,in few days so I was busy but I'm trying my best to keep writing it.
Well here's the 9th finally x)

Brandi's POV

I went to see James's parents,because I wanted to talk with them,if they can talk with their son,about taking me back.
But Isobell was really mad,I could really understand it but they could understand me either...like I regret everything I've done...she got so rough and started to pushing me through the door,when I glanced James with another girl.
I'm supposed to be by his side...I'm wondering she's the new girl ...well I was better looking,never judge me.
If that's what they want,he and his family,then go for it.
I won't stop them.
I know even if I'd try anything he wouldn't be idiot,to take me again. Never. I made too big mistake.
My love as I love him never gonna die -even I did something stupid.
It'd be better for me to leave in the USA forever,and return there if it's necessary.
So that's what I'll do.
But now I'm sitting in the fucking car,and stare the new lovebirds. Great.
I decided something so I got out of the car,and walked up to them.

"Hey James,Hey...uhm lady"-I smiled at them

"Hello Brandi,her name is Lexi by the way,what do you want?"-he responded,I felt he was quite annoyed but I didn't mind.

"Nice to meet you Lexi"- I smiled,I guessed she knows the story about the broke up so I didn't try to ,,shake the hands,, and other things like that.

"Same there I guess"-she replied.

"So well the reason is why am I standing there is actually first I would like to congratulate for you two,because you two look so cute together,so I would like to wish all the best,and I would like to wish you a long long relationship,actually forever lasting,and the other heavenly sweet things.
And in second,James,I don't want if you'd think about me like: oh god I hate her
we couldn't work it out as a couple because I was shit and stupid,but as a friend at least..."- I tried to be confident,but I felt so bad,and awkward,I'm not that girl who just would do this after a broke up.

James's POV

"First,we would thank you that you're that nice and wish all the best to us.
Second,sorry but no way.
What you did,it was too much for me and for my family.
And I bet my love wouldn't feel herself too good if you and me would be friends.
But I don't even want,after what you did." - I told her clearly my opinion.

"Well I understand this...just don't hate me."-she said lastly

"I can't do that . sorry." - I finished then me and Lexi left her alone.

We stepped in the house,where my mom and dad welcomed us.

"Hello sweethearts"-my mom stepped and kissed both of us on our cheek.

"Hello son"-my dad hugged me and stepped to Lexi.

"Hello dear,we didn't meet yet did we?"-he laughed " My name is..."-Lexi broke it in the half
"I know"-she laughed "I'm Alexandra,feel free to call me Lexi or as you wish"-she said and my dad hugged her

"Welcome in the Cassells family"-he said,I could say he was proud really.
"Tom why you don't let them come in?" -mom said then we went in the living room.

"The dinner is ready in couple of minutes" -mom said while gave us fizzy drinks

"Grandma used to call this pop..."-I said while I took the
glass out of her hand

"You miss her son,don't you?" dad appeared.

"Yeah..."-I said and starred the glass when Lexi hugged me.

"She's at a better place now,don't be sad."- she said while rubbed my back.

Mom starred us with a love in her eyes

"This is what a nice and supportive fell in love girl looks like"-she said "let's go and eat"

Lexi's POV
Somehow I felt more comfortable around James's parents,they're so nice.
I was shocked about Brandi's appearing.
As James said she was normal,but I still feel that if they'd be friend that'd be too insane and too much nervousness for me.
But James sent her so I feel it's okay.
The dinner was amazing,the mood was great,the first family meeting with me was quite calm.
Well I'm really curious about James's sister because she wasn't there.
We said our goodbyes and sat in the car

"This is was amazing"-I said to him and grinned.

"I told you that you don't have to afraid sweetheart."- he said and kissed my forehead.

"I knew just I'm shy shit so"-I said and laughed then we drove off.

He opened the door,and we threw our stuff on the floor.
As much this dinner was amazing,also that much made us tired.

"I need shower." -he said I went to upstairs.

"I was about that too"-I said.

"Go and shower then,I use the other one darling" he said.

I took off all of my clothes and stepped in the shower.
I decided to take a cold shower so I let the water be cold.
I washed my hair,the water was red from it.
I was shit but I still wondered about the Brandi thing.
This was too much for me.
I don't think she'd act really like that.
She want James back I know.
I need to talk with her between 4 eyes.
I don't think if you broke up with someone then you two could be friends.
My ex isn't my friend,because I could still die from the bunch of facts etc.
Then so they was together much longer,they have much more memories and she want him to be her friend.
Couldn't work either as they couldn't work as a couple so.
But I'm gonna take my chance to talk with her about simply fuck off.

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