Chapter 23

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Cameron's P.O.V

Once Nash and I got home I decided to phone Katie because I said I would see her today.

I went outside to the garden and  lit and cigarette to feed my cravings I dialled Katie's number and waited for an answer, it rung around four times before she picked up.

"Hello" she answered, her voice sounds different. 

"Hi?" I replied not sure on if I was talking to Katie or not.

"Who is this?"


"Oh ok wait"

"What for...."

"KATIE" I guess it wasn't her then. "COME GET THE PHONE, ITS ONE OF THE LOVER BOYS" oh it must be her friend Neve who she is always talking about.

"Hi cam, sorry that was Neve" Katie said breathlessly probably running for the phone after what her friend had just said.

"I figured" I breathed out.

"So what did you want?"

"To ask were you wanted to go"

"Go? We are going somewhere?" She was obviously confused.

"Yeah remember yesterday I said we should go out" i mumbled rocking on my feet at the sudden awkward atmosphere due to the mention of yesterday.
"Oh yeah I remember now" I could tell she was feeling awkward as well. "Let's just go to mamas again, I'm craving food right now"

"Ok I'll come pick you up" I said taking a drag from the cigarette.

"Ok see you in a few" she hastily replied probably wanting to escape this conversation.

I hung up and threw the cigarette on the ground stomping on it.

I made my way to my car and drove to Katie's house thinking about whether going out is the best idea of if its just going to be filled with awkward silences.

I pulled up on her street then honked to let her know I was here. I can't be asked to get out right now.

I saw her walk out her house smoothing down her dress.

She got in the car not giving me a single glance as she did.

"Hi" she said smiling finally looking at me and I instantly smiled back.

"Hi, have you got everything?" I asked making conversation with the girl in front of me.

"Yep" she said popping the p.

"Let's go then" I said turning back to look at the road.

The car ride was filled with mindless chatter thank God.

We pulled up outside of mamas, got out the car and Started to make my way towards to cafe.

We got seated immediately and ordered the same as what we had last time.



"How did you get involved with gangs?" Katie suddenly popped looking up from picking at the chipped nail polish in her finger nails.

I was a bit taken back when she asked that as she has never really asked me about what I do when we are not spending time together.

"Well I started to hang out with the wrong people at school, doing drugs, smoking, drinking, robbing stores.
Then it all kind of got out of hand and I got involved with this really dangerous drug dealer and i couldn't get out of the situation." I answered with no emotion at all recalling my life in this world.

Bad boys, good lips||Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now