Chapter 33

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Katie's P.O.V

Once I got up to my room my mum tucked me into bed and said she will be right back.

Once she left I started to silently cry into my douve.

I hear my door open but I don't bother to look up. I feel a dip in my bed and I know it's my mum.

"Hey Katie I've got you some stuff" I know she means food because that always makes me feel better.

I sit up in bed wipe my eyes and my mum puts a tray on my lap. She made me toast and a hot chocolate.

"Thank you" I said smiling weakly but with tears still going down my cheeks.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She said stroking my head.

"No, not yet" I said looking down and sniffling.

"That's fine, tell me when your ready ok"

"Humm" I hummed taking a bite of my toast.

"Get some rest katie, you've obviously had a rough day".

I nodded and continued eating.

I can't believe he did this to me I love him. I can't believe I let myself fall in love him. I knew it wouldn't end well obviously it wasn't going to he's a bad boy as cliché as it sounds he didn't and never will love me.

I set myself up for heartbreak. The only person I can blame is myself.

NO! I can't start blaming myself for this, this is his fault he did this to me. He made me feel this way. He kissed that girl when he could have stopped. I just can't believe this.

I didn't do anything to deserve this pain.

I can't believe I let myself think he could fall for me. I was stupid but I will never ever let myself get in that situation again.

I'm not going to leave my room for days.

What is I see him in town or the park or anywhere really.

I decide to call Neve and tell her everything she is honestly the best friend in the world especially when it comes to this she knows how to make me feel better.

This is my first heartbreak. Neve has only ever had her heart broken once by this boy she was head over heels in love with but he had to move away. She's usually the one breaking hearts.

"Hey Katie" Neve's voice rings through the phone.

"Hi" I sniffle.

"What's wrong?" She asks immediately.
"It's... it's just..... can you come over please"

"I'm on my way" she says hanging up.
She is honestly the best friend.

A few minutes pass of me crying into my pillow when I hear my bedroom door burst open and Neve say.

"For fucking god I'm going to kill that boy".

I laugh a little and sit up making space for Neve. 

"Tell me everything. Oh and I bought comfort food such as Ben and jerrys, strawberry laces, Doritos and oasis" 

"Thank you" I say smiling she knows what to bring.

We rip open the packets and Neve turns to me.

"Ok what happened"

"Well Cameron went out to a club last night after we fought and kissed this slag".

Neve gasped "what kind of kiss?"

"Well apparently quite aggressive considering the boys where saying that there hair was all messed up, she was pulling her dress down and they both had very swollen lips".

"That motherfucker, the next time I see him I'm going to punch his fucking face in".

"Thank you that actually helps".

"You know I will" Neve says shrugging.

"Yeah I know you will"

She actually will no one ever believes me when j say she will, but she will. she has before.

"Ugh why the fuck did he do that to you".

"That's what I have been asking myself"  I say sighing tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Everyone knows when you fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend to never ever get drunk" she said.

"I guess a club is just where e goes Tory of steam"

"Katie don't make excuses for him,you  will never get over him if you keep doing that"

"I know it's just hard" I sigh.

"I know it is" she sighed looking down.

"Hey Katie you will get over him, it's just going to take some time".

"Thank you Neve, for everything"

"No problem"

Bad boys, good lips||Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now