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"You shall forget about me and live normally, my love."

Adria's mother said as she dissipated into the ashes of fog till there wasn't a fragment left. Adria sat still, tears prickling on the eyes of an innocent 13 year old with the half apprehension that her mother no longer existed in this brutal realm. To her young heart, She didn't know what to do when the only reason for her breathing was no longer breathing herself. Should she cry? Should she have a temper tantrum to make her mother come and calm her down? Or should she simply just not exist like her mother just did? She didn't know.

All she did know was that she could neither forget nor live normally like her mother said as the darkness of her words hit her. After her cowardly father left them, Adria's mother, Grace was the only one who deared her. How could she possibly forget the one who always saw the good in her even in her most mischievous times and spoiled her with more love than she ever deserved? So, she didn't.
Even after 5 years, now, not so innocent Adria has gone above and beyond to find a single trace of her mother. While on her thorny way, she might have grown much dark and minacious due to all the mistakes she made by desperation.

But there's still a heart underneath the cold facades, right?

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