chapter 8: Sporadic terror

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Adria sighed as she flipped and turned on her bed not being able to sleep. Though she couldn't care less about those who tried to even hold a conversation about her 'problems', she couldn't seem to forget about the previous conversation with Ven. And it was getting on her nerves.

'The audacity of this guy!!! Ugh!!!'

Why did she care about what someone thought about her? You may ask;Maybe she considered him as more than someone.
Possibly more than a friend?

She closed her eyes to calm herself but soon fell asleep.


Adria was standing in backyard of her school as she felt a feeling of déjà vu.

The bell rang and everyone started to rush out like a flock of bulls. Right after everyone got out of the school and scattered everywhere, two girls came out pushing each other. And then she realized the all-too-familier scene. Adria watching the two girls fight as terror washed over her face. She was reliving her biggest nightmare. One of the girls was blonde and the other one had hair which just looked like hers. They were pouncing on each other like wildcats. Adria just wanted to get out of this dreadful scenario but she couldn't even move. She closed her eyes to escape the traumatizing past which was happening all over again. But more and more petrifying memories kept flashing before her eyes. One by one all the events which shaped her into the person she is now. A person with a diamond heart, beautiful but unbreakable. The regrets and sins she had committed was all that she could see in front of her closed eyes. It was painful to experience all the earth shattering events at once, but she was paralyzed at that moment. Her heart was racing.

Thud, thud, thud.

Not able to resist the unbearable hindrance, she opened her eyes ready to face the agony. But there was none. She was in her bedroom with sweat dripping on her forehead and unshed tears in her eyes. She sat clinging her back to the bedpost. She was panting frantically. Not knowing what to do, she let out a long sigh and stared numbly at the wall in front of her. It was normal for her to have nightmares often but now it had been frequent now. Way more frequent and horrific.

She finally got up to drink some water. As she walked through her empty hallways paranoia spread across her body for some reason. It suddenly felt like someone was watching her. Despite the fact that she was alone in her mansion, she felt someone's presence. However, she shook off that feeling and continued to walk to her kitchen island. As soon as she drank a glass of water, she got dizzy and rushed to her room thinking it was just because the lack of sleep. But as she got out of kitchen, it only worsened.


Just when she was at the point of fainting, she crashed on to her bed.



Ember said waving at Adria in her usual preppy nature. Oddly she was standing with a boy who wasn't her boyfriend.  But he was rather familiar.

"Meet Adria, Camden. Adria, meet Camden." Ember introduced both.

Camden held out his hand with a smile for Adria to shake it and she did, but with a bitter smile. Something about him just screamed danger.

"He is a new student and I was assigned to show him around. Come let's walk to class together!"

With that she dragged both of them through the hallways. Adria kept staring at him trying figure out where she saw him. Sapphire blue eyes which are as dark and cold as a midnight sky covered with clouds and cold breeze. Cole black hairs with dark blue highlights. It was tied up in a small and messy bun.

"Ahhh! There he is!" Camden spoke pointing at Ven.

Ven approached them and gave Camden a bro hug. And for some mysterious reason seeing Ven made her cheeks blush. Deep down she actually wanted to see him. Seeing him smile and talk made her feel things she didn't even know existed.



Sorry for the late update!! Honestly, I didn't get inspiration since, at this point no one is reading the novel. But regardless I will continue writing as it is my dream to be a published author. Though I will really really appreciate it if you guys voted for the story if you liked it!! So please consider to comment and vote. 🙏🙏

Riya. K

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