chapter 1.1: The new guy

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"I d-d-didn't do it on purpose. I-it was a mistake", said a boy stuttering.
But Adria just pinned him to the wall with a death glare and grabbed a glass of ice cold water from a busy waitress and splashed it on him. She was already trickling with raw wrath and the poor guy spilling coffee on her just triggered her more. You can tell she is satisfied when a evil smirk crossed her face. And when the boy left drenched in cold water, Adria's friend, Ember stared at him with a sympathetic smile and mouthed 'sorry' before leaving with Adria. But honestly, Ember couldn't do anything when Adria was raging with unreleased fury. They left the cafeteria while the crowd was getting chills from her dreadful behaviour.

Although she was exasperating, everyone was attracted by her alluring and silky chestnut brown hair, lips as red as blood and beautiful teal blue eyes.

As they reached the classroom, regardless of whether it was  started or not, Adria sat and rested her head on the desk, loosing herself in her own reverie and then in a deep slumber.

"Adria", said a deep voice. She looked around and realised that she was locked in a dark room.

"how I am a here and who are you?", she said sounding little nervous but there was no response.

Suddenly a flash of light hit her, then the bell rang and she woke. She was patrified by that sporadic dream but she instantly redeemed her fearless self.

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