Chapter 14

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I can't bring myself to have fun anymore. I'm just waiting for Ryan to come back now. This guy is supposed to stay at my place tonight with all the others, so he better gets his ass back over here very soon. It's been 46 minutes and he's not back yet.

After a little more than an hour, he shows up next to me. He doesn't say anything, he just smiles at me like he wants to comfort me.

It's very late - or early - already so we all decide to go back to my place and get some sleep. When we get home, I tell Ryan to sleep in my bed and I tell everyone I will sleep in my parents' bed. We go upstairs and Isobel is in charge of not letting anyone else come upstairs.

When we get to my room, he asks me: "Will you sleep with me? I don't mean have sex, but will you just spend what's left of the night with me?" I hesitate and he notices. "I swear nothing happened, I promised you it was only going to be you and I am keeping my promise." I can't help but smile, but I feel something pressing on my chest as well. If it's only going to be me, why wouldn't he just give it an actual chance with me...

I curl up next to him and I feel safe. I feel as if nobody can touch me right now. I don't even have time to properly think about it, because we both fall asleep as soon as our heads touch the pillow.

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