Chapter 17

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It didn't take us five seconds to be all over eachother after he said those relieving three words.

He picks me up and puts me on the table in my living room. He's kissing me intensly, our tongues meet eachother in the heat of our love. My hands are in his hair, on his back and every place else. I want the world to stop spinning for a minute and let this moment last forever. He kisses my neck and I feel the goosebumps from my head to my toes.

He pulls my T-shirt off and then takes off his own. He kisses my neck again and then works his way down to the zipper of my jeans. He opens it while looking up at me and he licks my clitoris gently. I gasp and throw my head back. He gets up and lays me down while his fingers slide inside of me with such ease it feels like we've never known anything else.

He kisses me again and with every touch, I grow more hungry for his love. I want him on top of me, inside of me. God, I want to BE him. He licks my clitoris again, but longer this time. He keeps hitting the right spot until I cum for him. After he felt my body collaps under his touch, he comes up and slides his penis inside of me. First slowly, then faster. He's making love to me for the first time since we've started having sex. He looks me in the eyes with every thrust and I know this is exactly where I belong.

When we're both finished, we clean up the mess we made and decide to go upstairs. We lay down in eachothers arms in my bed. I never want him to leave my bed. Or my life, for that matter.

I love him.

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