A voice so tempting triggers the darkest parts of her mind, it makes her think unimaginable things, like the pain she thought she escaped.
His obsession for her deeply and darkly abnormal, the i...
"If he's as bad as they say, guess I'm already cursed."
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I gripped the balcony rail, taking in the vast landscape of the estate. Reign had sent his people to escort me to his home days ago—far from the city, in a place that felt eerily quiet. I desperately wanted to reach out to my mom and Stassie, but I clearly have no way of getting in touch. Maybe if I get him to trust me things may be a little easier.
Everything I have put blood and sweat into taken away. The need to cry was fighting its way up inside me, and I've been non stop these past few days. I'm a absolute wreck trying to push every dark thought to the back of my mind.
Reign left for business out of town after the choking incident the other day. That man is truly made different from the rest, but acts so normal about everything. I caught myself trying to understand as it's in my nature before judging. A lifestyle such as this has no regard for human life.
Just looking at him, he's everything a girl could dream of in a man—with just the right amount of roughness. I got the most attractive one, loaded with money, and an abundance of madness to match.
I stepped into the living area, taking in the stunning surroundings. Miranda, the lead housekeeper, was chatting with a woman, a breathtaking beauty gently rocking a fussy newborn. The woman's grace was mesmerizing, her delicate touch so admirable I could have watched her forever.
"Ah Amina come over, this is Amaya I think you girls should chat while I go prepare dinner." Miranda rose out her seat, kissing Amaya on the cheek walking out.
I sat beside her, receiving a gentle smile, but it didn't reach her face. I noticed a distinct look in her eye, she's so hidden like a lost story, my guess is a sad one full of pain.
"Well, I'm Amaya." A light giggle moved us. I proceed to share my name, and she greeted me with her tiny baby named Mila.
Baby Mila was fast asleep, and I couldn't help but coo over her, making small talk as I followed her mother to the nursery to lay her down. Once we finished, we stepped out into the garden to enjoy some fresh air.
"I overheard you're Reign's new girlfriend."
"Well, uh, I'm not exactly sure what to call it," I replied softly.
"I'm Roscoe's wife," she continued. I hesitated before asking how long they'd been married.
"Just over a year, but I've known him for about three."
A tear slipped down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away, replacing it with a gentle smile.
"Ar—Are you not proud of that?" The question slipped out before I could stop it. "I didn't mean to ask that."
"It's okay..." She paused, gathering herself. "I don't usually talk about my relationship, but since we're in similar situations, why not? I'm sure if Reign has already shown you his... anger."
I swallowed hard, my gaze instinctively drifting to the red roses beside her. My face tightened.
"I—I don't know what you're talking about."
She placed her hand over mine, and without thinking, I squeezed it in return.
"Listen it's not okay. You were forced into being with a man you don't understand. Trust me when I say you will never understand it so don't kill yourself trying to. He will break you if you let him. I have no more tears left Amina. I don't doubt that I've lost sense to feel things, but I'm trying to gain it all back for my baby. " Her voice began to crack as her eyes fell watery.
"Roscoe murdered the only family I had, he made me watch. My dad was a protector, Roscoe saw it as a threat. You don't ever want to make this family feel threatened. He knew I wanted to leave him, so he killed my them, and I vow never to make that mistake again."
She continued swallowing her tears, "I'm just glad my mother's still alive, he claimed he loved me enough to have someone give me away at the wedding. I haven't seen her in a while, but we talk often on the phone," Amaya gazed into something else before giving me a sad smile.
"Amina trust me when I say there's no leaving, you are in the house of one of the most powerful families in the world. I ran from Roscoe countless times, even across the country." Amaya lifted her dark hair showing me a scar on the back of her neck.
It started from in her hair, then it got lost into her dress. There are large burns on the back of her shoulder, scars from cuts.
I shook my head, "Wha- what this is abuse, he could kill you. What about your baby?" Tears streamed down my face as I thought about everything she's been through. When she hugged me, it felt like witnessing a mannequin weep—this woman, sadly, seems beyond repair.
"This family is incredibly possessive over anything they consider theirs. Reign is the firstborn heir to the Volkova Organization, a Russian crime family founded by their grandfather, Rafa Gusev. Their father, Rolan Gusev, has three sons and one daughter with their mother, Ivanna. The daughter, I believe, ran away to New York."
My words felt hollow, my mind struggling to absorb it all as everything started to fall into place. How much damage is too much damage?
Amaya calmly whispered, "My story with Roscoe could go on forever Amina, please take care of yourself. My baby Mila has separation anxiety even in her sleep. I'll see you at dinner." She gave me a reassuring smile and hand a squeeze before walking off back inside.