A voice so tempting triggers the darkest parts of her mind, it makes her think unimaginable things, like the pain she thought she escaped.
His obsession for her deeply and darkly abnormal, the i...
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23 ReignI Gusev.
"My uyshali spinu tvoyey materi, one planiruyet segodnya vecherom ustroiť takoy osobennyy vykhod." Polka my lead guard spoke in my ear.
(We got ear your mother's back. She planning to make a special kind of entrance tonight)
To my surprise, the glass of champagne didn't shatter in my hand, leaving me bloody. I clenched my jaw as I heard my mother's voice. She always had a flair for dramatic entrances, so I decided to let her play whatever role she had planned for tonight.
I gave a brief nod of acknowledgment before turning to Ami. "Ami, we—"
Suddenly, the main lights flickered and went out, casting the hall in a dim, eerie glow. I finished my drink with calm precision, feeling Ami's grip tighten on my arm, her fear palpable as people began to rush out in a panic.
"What's going on, Reign?" she whispered, her voice trembling. I cupped her cheek, running my thumbs along her bone structure, briefly glancing at her soft pink lips before brushing a kiss to the corner of her mouth.
"Stay here, beautiful," I murmured, pecking her lips and gently loosening her hold on my arm. I kissed her hands before standing, approaching Polka, who was holding out a gun. I took it, checking the clip.
"You won't need that."
And there she was, Ivanna, standing before me after all these years.
"I come in peace, son." She raised her hands in mock surrender, a wry smile tugging at her lips. My mother was deep into politics, and my siblings and I often grew up with her coming and going, never fully present in our lives. Ivanna, on the other hand, always seemed to return to my father in the same way—pregnant, as if the last time she left hadn't quite finished its course. Her loyalty to the Gusev name was unwavering, and it ran deeper than just family ties.
To our surprise, would you believe my mother was a lawyer for my father before any of us were born? Dedushka will endlessly call father a nuisance for that reason. Ivanna refused to stick around for anything excessively illegal, but still got her hands dirty for the family. Mother insisted my sister Irina moved away out the country in attempts to hide her away— plan horribly failed.
I smirked putting my firearm away, "what is it you need Ivanna?"
"What? I can't visit my children every now and then?" She walked closer reaching to take a look behind the guards blocking her view of Ami.