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Lana Del Rey | Art Deco

Reign I. Gusev

Three months and nine days since my beautiful Ami ran out on me. She's fire and passion and connecting with her lights up my dark soul. A captivating creature she is, a goddamn dream. I've been keeping myself occupied while she's on her break. Amina is not far from me I know who is helping my daring fugitive.

The thought of my woman not being under me is driving me mad, yet I enjoy a chase. These past few months have been excusable, I'm trying this thing of becoming more understanding of feelings. I simply feel no need to ruining her time away.

I genuinely hope she's enjoying her quiet time on the farm. When the time comes for us to face off, I hope she's found the same power and strength that it took for her to walk away from me. It's not uncommon for people to ignore my warnings—I'm not hard to understand. I am who I am.

As for Lucas, he's the son of a former rival, a man whose life was ended by my brother. He spoke a few words that Roscoe found particularly distasteful, and it cost him a bullet through his incompetent skull. Lucas is here for business, though I knew his true motives the moment he first approached my fucking woman.

"Vas zhdut muzhchiny iz Ukrainy," Roscoe announced as he entered my office. (The men from Ukraine are waiting for you.)

I gestured for the two men to take a seat. Roscoe and I stayed silent, waiting for them to explain their reason for being here. I'd been expecting Mr. Koval; I'd been informed it was news I needed to hear. But by the look of things, he'd brought a colleague into my home.

"We are conducting billion dollar auction in America next month, wealthy buyers across the globe are investing at the event."

Roscoe asked, "What are you selling?"

The strange one slyly smirked, "High value women with diamonds." Just in that split second Roscoe rose aiming his gun at them.

"Your confessing to trafficking women you fucking kusok der'ma. Give me a reason I shouldn't kill you right here." He aggressively spat out.

I find calmness reassuring, but it's the panic that truly excites me. I lowered Roscoe's weapon, eager to hear the madness unfold.

"Relax brother." Eventually he put the gun away and remained standing. I motioned for them to continue.

Koval spoke, "Let me be frank Mr Gusev, my merchandise carry hundred million to possibly 1.2 billion dollars worth of diamonds. This is good deal, especially in your line of work." The smirking man glanced back over to me, I held his stare.

The only way these girls carry diamonds is if this mother fucker cut them open.

He continued, "Good money, Mr. Gusev, don't make mistakes. Beautiful girls, no?"

I let out a soft chuckle and met his gaze. "It's never been about the money for me, Mr. Koval. I might show up to this circus of an auction, and whether I buy or not, that's still up in the air."

He nodded in acknowledgment, standing to leave. But as he moved toward the door, I caught the unusual one giving Roscoe a bold look. He wouldn't make it two steps out.

"Mr. Koval, your friend stays," I said, and his gaze flicked to the man in question.

I walked around the desk, placed a hand on Koval's shoulder, and guided him out of the room and down the hall.

Suddenly, four gunshots rang out. Nervousness flashed across his face as he glanced back toward the source of the noise. "what is the meaning of this?"

"Like you said Koval, you know my line of work hm. Disrespect my family your life I will have, and if you think I'll associate myself with loony sex traffickers your fucking playing in my face. However, if I show to this auction, it will be for a fucking good reason. Understood?"

He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Good." I whispered.  "Miranda! Please show this gentlemen out." I called out for my house keeper walking away. I have more important matters to tend to. It's time I visit my soon to be wife.


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