1- First Encounter

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"Will you be coming over today, Aera?" My friend, Chaeyeon, asked me and I sighed before replying, "Unfortunately, no... my dad is going to be coming home early today so he wants to spend the day with me."

I really wanted to go to her house, but I couldn't... her brother was quite intimidating and my dad was expecting me to be home by 6.

Sure, school got out at noon, but I had work right after- I took this job so I could avoid him as much as possible and could be getting home around the same time as my dad. 

What I had told Chaeyeon was a lie... my dad is never early. "Oh- that sucks... well, talk to you tomorrow!" She skipped away to her brother's car, who was standing against the car while glaring at me.

I walked in the opposite direction of their car and went to the cafe, which was owned by a very kind man named Jeong Jaehyun. I walked in and Jaehyun said cheerfully, "Good afternoon, Aera! How was your day?" 

"Hello, boss. My day was well; got no homework, but I saw Chaeyeon's brother-" "Is he still intimidating to you, Aera?" "Yes.. he is. It is like he hates me or something." "He hates you? How is that possible? Who on Earth would hate a legit angel?" I shrugged, not really sure myself.

I went into the back and put on my apron and name tag before coming back to the counter, Jaehyun no longer being there. Instead, he was cleaning the tables as he believed that the employees should not be the only ones working, but the boss should too. The bell went off and I looked in the direction of the door to find a man walking this way.

Once he made it to the counter, I asked, "Welcome to Neo Breeze Cafe! What can I get you today, sir?" He had a smile on his face as he responded, "May I have an americano, please?" "Yes, sir! What is the name for this order?" 

"Ten." "Thank you, your order is coming right up!" I walked away and made his drink before coming back to the counter and putting it on the counter.

He was sat in the corner of the cafe so I said, "I have an order for Ten." His head shot up and he walked over, asking, "How much?" "1,328.74 wan, sir." He paid and I bowed before saying, "Thank you, have a good day!" He smiled, "Same to you!" He grabbed his drink and walked out of the cafe, leaving the money neatly on the counter.

I grabbed the money and put it in the cash register before I waited for more customers. Hours went by and it was time to go home.


Thank you for reading the first part in my new fanfiction! Trust me- even I know how odd of an idea it is.. but it was a random one that appeared in my head over a week ago and it hadn't left so this is the only way! This may be a slow production because I am currently working on a play in one of my classes, so I am very sorry! Hopefully I can publish at least one part per week.

Have a great day, my baby bunnies!

Have a great day, my baby bunnies!

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