What is This Feeling?

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You woke up once again hearing something it was a phone you looked back and there was a phone it was a little out of your reach but if you really tried you could probably get it so you reached for it on your tippy toes and all but still could not get it 

You went and got your Mr.pickles stuffy and reached again and knocked it off and held it to your ear "h-h-e-l-l-o-o" you said and still got no answer you sat their for a second and you heard the door open 

"oh little miss y/n the phone does not work did it ring" you nodded and handed him the phone and he hung it up

 "sometimes it rings but no one is ever there" he says looking down at you and you looked back up at him and it started to ring again and you started to get scared so you latched on to his leg for a feeling of comfort 

He looked at you and wondered why out of all people would you count on him to keep you safe, i mean he kidnapped you, he patted your head and made the phone be quiet as you still held onto his leg 

"little one why would you look for comfort in me" he said and you just hid your head in his pant leg looking down

He sat down and you let go of him and sat close to him and yet he still questioned this

 "y/n how old are you" you thought about it and you held up 3 fingers 

"oh you are three" you nodded he asked one final question 

"y/n did your mom give you any felling of comfort at home" you than thought about it and tears started to form in your eyes 

"oh y/n don't cry, i'm sorry" you then pulled him in for a hug and sat in his lap crying he just patted your back for comfort, felling sorry for you something he did not feel often for any child

 But you did not try to escape or leave you stayed with him hoping for love something he might or might not have 

You then looked up at him and touched his mask and held the horns in both of your hands 

"do you like the mask y/n" you nodded you honestly thought it looked cool but you started to feel tired and laid down in his lap your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him and fell asleep 

He just watched you in awe, thinking maybe he could trust you and gather up some love for you but its not what he wanted, he wanted a kid to play naughty boy so he thought about it to keep you and take another...

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