The End?

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The clip is what the paragraph reads, it is a clip from Kidding a show started by Jim Carrey, Watch it, its a great show <3

You headed to you room,  you had pushed the tv to your room and always had Mr.pickles puppet time on the tv it was never off 

 You went and sat down in front of the tv watching what? 

What you always watched obviously and something about this episode was different than the others...

"Have you ever had to move, that can be a difficult time cant it, its hard when things change, leaving behind your old room or old friends or a whole new school sometimes when you move you might make a donate box and put all the toys you don't need anymore right in there, you give them to children who will really use them, what if when you get to your home you discover that your favorite stuffed animal is missing, someone put your stuffie in the box by accident, how would you feel, would you feel sad that you never got to say goodbye or would you feel ok because you know he is in a new home a far away home laughing and playing, and making other children happy" 

You thought what he was talking about was strange he usually taught us lessons but it was not about that this time you felt almost like you knew exactly how he felt 

 You continued to watch you held on your toy like it could be given away 

" i had a son named Phil he was once your age..... He died" 

When you heard these words "died" it almost triggers something, when you had someone you loved died 

You were sad, when you mom died, you felt ok knowing she was making your dad happy on a far away home but you felt sorrow watching this thinking another one of you friends had to suffer

 "so we put him in a box and we buried him...what does it mean to lose a thing you really want to stay" as he started to sing you did your best to sing along 

"what they sent your favorite socks a million miles away, if you knew they were warming someones else's feet, hooray, nothing you really love can ever go away" you sat singing crying but you did know why...

Sorry for such a short story, tell me how you liked it, i want to know what i can do better next time, Have a Great Day<3 

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