Finney's Brake Out Attempt

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You woke up and looked around the door was open and Finney was gone you got up as fast as you could and ran up the stairs

 Finney broke out as soon as you got up the stairs, the man grabbed you by that waist making you drop Mr.pickles and ran to his van, put you in the passenger seat without a seat belt and drove off recklessly bumping you to and fro and it was dark so you could barely see

When he twisted 90 degrees to stop Finney you hit your head pretty hard on the van door 

It hurt and the man left without realizing you were hurt and caught Finney but meanwhile you had a cut on your head from the door and you could feel the blood go down your face it seemed like you were sitting there for days but it was just a couple seconds 

"y/n,y/n no no I'm so sorry I'm so sorry what did I do" you could hear the man say before you blacked out ~

You woke up to the man sitting on the wall beside you Finney still blacked and there was a bandage around your head

 "oh my god y/n your ok" said the man getting up and giving you a hug and you hugged back looking for Mr.pickles and he handed it to you 

You were still tired so you were falling asleep sitting up and he laid you down covered you up then you fell fast asleep and he went back upstairs~

"Today's the day motherfucker" you heard something yell and you woke up and saw a dead boy blonde sitting on the bed and you looked at him and he looked at you and you blinked a couple of times and he was gone 

You saw Finney on the phone talking to someone named Vance then Finney started to fall back covering his ears and two bottles came and flew past him hitting the walls and you were startled and walked over and looked at him 

"i-i'm okay don't worry but I'm going to be busy ok i will get us out of here," he said and going to the bathroom and messing with the toilet banging the lid against the wall for awhile until a hole formed 

There was a freezer and he got something for the toilet to unscrew the pallet and got it off 

"see Alex I did it" he then climbed in and there was a door and banged against the door multiple times and he came back out and sat against the wall crying and you walked over to him and sat next to him for a felling of comfort you did not like him for trying to leave and all but he needed some love everybody did that is what your taught you 

"Alex..-i-i'm sorry i failed you" you shook your head and gave him a hug and the phone started ringing again he went and answered it

It was robin they talked and he started to do some moves like swinging and fighting when the call was over the man left to go get some supplies and you filled finney around setting traps up and you went and you went up to him and said "w-w-h-y" and pointed to all the stuff set out 

"its a trap for the grabber we will escape he will die" after you heard him say that you could not stop thinking was your man, the grabber and why would he want to kill him 

You got sad thinking about his death and went and took a hand full of dirt and started to put dirt in the hole 

"wait, wait stop no we want to leave" you looked him in the eyes and could see he did not like this place like he had a life better than this one out in the real world you started to cry and finney tried to comfort you but you pushed him away and sat on your bed with mr.pickles then a strange man entered the room 

"no fucking way" 

"hey help call my dad or call someone" you heard finney say 

"hey you wanna know abut the stroy of how i found you" 

"no,no" but then the man came and hit him right in the head with the axe and finney screamed

 "y/n please stay out of this, this is between me and our friend finney" and started to swing the axe around and finney jumped over where the hole was and tripped the man and he fell in the hole and broke him ankle and he yelled you ran to him but he said to stop so you did and you hoped he was okay 

 They started to fight and finney hit him with the phone multiple times and started to choke him he was bleeding like crazy and you started to cry louder

 "n-o no p-please no" you tried to yell but then finney ended it sat there the binkey that sat in your mouth fell and the toy you held in your hands dropped and fell you legs making a w shape you started to cry even more louder and louder 

"y/n wait y/n  its over please lets go" you got up and pushed finney and hit him 

"no,no,no,no" you started to cry profusely finney watched you and realized what happened and looked at you 

"y/n why" he said as he left up the stairs you ran to his body 

"i-im s-s-or-r-y" you started to wail you touched his hair looking at him you cried because he was gone you had never seen his real face but he cared for you when all the times you were alone he had replaced the bad memories with good ones you honestly thought forever was never gonna end 

But now you just felt this deep hatred for finney you were sad and done with everything you had tried so hard to be happy to feel like nothing was wrong but that was over you couldn't do that anymore you grabbed your binky and Mr.pickles and went up the stairs but before you left you took his mask to keep a memory of him because that was when you were most happy...... 

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