The News

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"y/n, hey y/n wake up" you slowly opened your eyes and saw him standing there above you

 "hey there little one how did you sleep, are you ready for breakfast I have to talk to you" 

You sat up and grabbed Mr.pickles and rubbed your eyes still tired and you go up and grabbed his hand and he took you upstairs that was the first time you have been out of that dark room in a while 

When you made it up the stairs you squinted your eyes it was bright he closed the curtains 

"is that better" you nodded and sat in a chair at a table holding Mr.pickles close to you and he sat a plate of food and a drink of milk and toast which sounded good you ate while he talked

"So Alex I wanted to ask a favor of you, I took you for a different reason than you intended so I was wondering if I took another kid and did not hurt him I won't hurt him but will you stay with him downstairs it won't be lonely you will be with someone does that sounds good," he said watching you eat

You thought about it it sounded fun so you looked at Mr.pickles and back at him and nodded

 "that sounds great Alex thank you so much" and he came and gave you a hug and you hugged back 

 Later on maybe a week later a boy arrived by the name of Finny and he was a brown haired boy maybe in 7th grade he was not very happy about this either when we went to get him he did not want to go.... 

"Man he did a number to my arm see that," said the man showing you his arm you looked up at him and seemed scared 

"oh Alex don't worry I will be ok," he said patting your head, you looked around at nature it was pretty 

"now get in ok," he said opening the door for me to get in the back with the boy and you sat there watching him he was asleep and you still help on to Mr.pickles on your way back 

"y/n you can head in now just wait downstairs for us ok" 

You hopped out of the car and nodded and went downstairs and after then they came along too

 He sat him down on the mattress and for you a little bed in the corner and you sat Mr.pickles down on your bed and then the man walked upstairs to take care of his scar,  you sat down on your bed with Mr. pickles and laid facing the boy, watching him sleep before you fell asleep

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