Meeting The Boy

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"Hey hey little kid are you ok" you woke up to the boy shaking you awake you sat up eyes still closed 

"hey are you ok" you nodded and lay down on the bed and went back to sleep still tired and woke up later on fully awake now 

The boy was trying to leave out the door and you jumped out of bed and ran to him and pulled his arm and shook your head 

"Hey what are you doing let go" and he pushed you down but he did not mean to and you started to cry and ran up stairs and sat in the little room before you enter the house 

"hey i'm sorry, i"  you heard the boy say and the door opened and the boy ran away from the door and the man saw you

 "oh Alex what are you doing whats wrong" and you ran into his arm crying and the man looked down the stairs and saw the boy and he let you go and walked down there

Looking at the boy his mask turned to a frown without him even noticing 

"" the boy was scared as you watched him

"i- i did not mean to i was looking upstairs and she pulled me away and i accidentally knocked her over i'm sorry" he said tears filling his eyes his mask turned to a smile 

"thank you for telling me Alex sweetie come here" and you came right to his side 

"hey i'm sorry i did not mean to knock you over" he said offering a hug but you walked to him not offering a hug back 

"now Alex you can go play i'm just going to talk to our friend here" and you walked away and sat on your bed and played with Mr.pickles but also listening to their conversation as well but then the man left and the boy came to you 

"hey i'm sorry we got off on the wrong start i'm finney and your y/n" he said sitting on your bed and you nodded your head 

"uh do you talk at all" you shook your head and then the phone started to ring and he picked it up and said hello then he jumped back and threw the phone an you looked at him and tilted your head wondering why he jumped 

"t-the phone it" and the phone started to ring again and he did not answer it for awhile but then he did 

"h-hello" and he started to talk with the phone a boy i think named billy and you listened to their conversation and you did not like it finney wanted to escape so you went to tell the man and hoped to open the door the boy did not notice you so you escaped 

"oh Alex what a surprise whats going on" you then walked to him and tried to tell him with motions and some words 

"p-ph-ho-n-e-e" and you motioned an escape 

"is he plotting to escape y/n" you nodded your head

 "Alex don't worry ok just stay down there he wont get away we will just have to wait for him to play naughty boy" and you smirked at this thought

 You helped him tried to tell him by not letting him go upstairs but he would not listen so he will get what he deserves you waved him goodbye and went back down 

"where did you go" you looked at him and pointed at the stairs 

"did you go past the door" you lied you shook your head 

"did you just need a break" you nodded and went to play with Mr.pickles while you watched finny pull a rope from somewhere 

You looked up and stopped what you were doing to watch him as he tried to escape out the window and he went to get a big carpet roll and got the rope up there and you were mad why would he want to leave

 Yet you still watched him and he got up to the window and fell you walked over to his fallen body and looked down at him 

"i'm fine don't worry Alex" you then walked away and tripped on the cord and fell but you caught your self but then there were hand prints the ground and you were fascinated by this 

You tried to do it again but did not work as well 

"oh Alex are you ok" you just looked at him and walked to your bed and tried to do it to the walls and it still did not work so you went to ask the man something and waved to finney 

"you need another break" you nodded finney thought you were telling the man but you could not reach the knob but with the help of mr.pickles you could 

"oh Alex back again so soon" you went to him and said one word "p-p-a-a-i-i-n-t" and showed him your hands 

Your mind was still developing so he got you paint red, blue, and yellow and you went back down holding the paint as well as mr.pickles "

oh your back and what is that" you showed finney 

"did the man give that to you" you nodded 

"did he hurt you" and you frowned at him picked up your paint and walked to the wall by your bed and took the lid off your paint the blue paint and made two hand prints 

You loved doing this then you did yellow just two as well, admiring the prints

You did red it was your most favorite so you did it 5 times and more and more until there was probably 10 little hand marks that looked like blood 

Finney did not like this he was scared you could do something to him you walked over to him finney even looked scared but you grabbed his hand and gave him yellow and showed him two fingers 

"oh you want me to do two hand prints" you nodded finney felt better but still worried, then the man came in 

"oh hey you two are you hungry i have food" and said coming in with the metal tray with two plates of food and soda 

"here you two go, oh Alex what is this" you clapped your hands still covered in red paint and you got some on your face and all the man could see were red hand prints, your hand prints and it looked like blood he just smiled under his mask and patted your head 

"see you two i have something i need to do" and he left and it got dark again and you two ate mostly in silence but before you ate, you went to the bathroom and washed your hands in the toilet water because there was no sink when you two were done eating there was another call on the phone and finney answered it 

"hello" and you listened to the two talk a boy named griffin and you sat and kept painting listening to their conversation and then finney started to dig a hole you walked over to where he was digging and looked and him with a tilted head 

"oh don't worry y/n i am gonna get me and you out of here don't worry" he said and kept digging 

You started to cry thinking of how he could be gone but you did not try to keep crying you stopped your self and kept painting red hand prints on the walls but only your wall but then you made a heart and made the man and you and mr,pickles 

You looked out the window and could tell it was getting dark you washed your hands off once more and headed to bed 

"goodnight y/n" you could hear finney say from the hall and you just went to sleep 

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