Bapa: chapter 10 (Her Tears)

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Chapa POV:

Ray came back with 4 weapons. He said we could choose which one we wanted. Today we're going after the criminal we saw at Hip Hop purée who abuses girls. Now Miles can control his teleportation, he will teleport us to his house.

We don't expect the criminal to be there, but we could find information about him. Ray isn't going to come with us. He didn't tell us exactly why, but Schwoz secretly told us about MomCon. And we all know he's not missing that. He also said it would be the best for us to practice fighting crime without Ray. We've fought crime before but it was easy and we didn't even need all of us.

We're all ready to go, it's now 10:56 AM. Miles teleported us before, and it all made us feel nauseous. I hope it won't happen again. When he bolts his arm in the air, we're gone. Suddenly we're inside the criminal's house, we're standing in the hallway, luckily without nausea. It's big and dirty. It seems no one is here. But we're not sure. There's a family portrait hanging on the wall. This reminds me of Bose when he found out his dad was the 27 year old son who lived in the old house. Well I remember he was 27, but now I think he's around 36. I realized Bose's parents are young parents. When we get home I think I should ask him again how he feels about it.

Suddenly I whisper: "I don't think anyone is here, it's so quiet."

"Maybe they're upstairs?" Mika says quietly. "We should go check it out." she continues.

"Good idea." Miles whispers.

"Okay, Bose and I will go upstairs, can you guys take a look here downstairs?" Mika whispers.

I'm not stupid. I know she just wants to be with Bose. But I don't really care because I know he loves me, I think he made that clear after his speech. I notice he seems to be the one who prefers to go with me. But he didn't say a word about it.

I don't really care about situations like this. Besides, Miles and I are good friends. We are a lot alike and we have the same interests. We both never had or will have romantic interests in each other. That's why we're good friends. We both want nothing more than friendship. I used to have some friends who were boys, but they always wanted more than friendship. I made my boundaries clear and told them I didn't want anything more than friendship. But then they acted like stupid dicks and told me they didn't want to be friends anymore.

Miles isn't one of those guys who just wants to be friends with me to get into a relationship. I still don't get it why boys can't be friends with girls without desiring any relationships. So I'm lucky I got Miles as my friend.

"Okay, give us a sign if you see something unusual." I whisper.

"Yes we will, same for you guys." She says. I nod.

"Be careful." Bose says to both of us. But he's only looking at me.

"We'll be alright." I say.

Bose and Mika are slowly walking up the stairs, trying not to make any noise. When Miles and I open the door which leads us to the living room, there's not much to see. Only a normal kitchen, dining table and a huge living room. All the windows are closed, all the doors are locked and we see nothing unusual. Suddenly we hear someone scream. Miles and I both look at each other.

"That's Mika." Miles says. "Come on we have to help them! Fast!" He says. We run up the stairs, we're both checking all the rooms. There's only 1 room left, they must be in there.

I walk faster towards the door, kick it and it falls on the ground. This room is way bigger than I'd expected. There are 5 big men in this room, they all looked surprised but now excited. Then I notice one man is laying unconscious on the ground. Of course Bose and Mika couldn't handle 5 big aimed men on their own.

They taped Mika's mouth and tied her up to a chair. I don't see Bose in this room. I'm worried about him, what if something happened? And what about Mika? What were they planning to do to her? I notice one of the men who's standing here, is the man we saw at Hip Hop Purée.

I'm about to zap them until I see each one of them holding guns in their hands, now aiming for us.

"If you're not gonna sit on this chair in 10 seconds, then-" I cut him off. "Then what?!" I ask with a loud tone. He laughs.

"You dumb fucking children." he says. "You think it was smart to come here?" Because it wasn't." the guy looks at the other men and smirks. Now I finally realize what they were planned to do with me and Mika.

"I swear if one of you touch Shoutout again, I will make each one of you suffer!" Miles says. Suddenly one man is aiming for Miles, I notice he's about to shoot him.

"Awol! Watch out!" I yell. And Miles is gone. He teleported himself and now he's not here anymore. They pulled the trigger. If Miles was still here, he would've been killed. They look at me with a smirk because I'm a girl. And that's exactly what they want at this point. But that's not what they're going to get.

Then I also look at them with a murderous look. I know they all have guns in their hands, aiming for me. But I know they're not going to kill me. They want to keep me alive to do inappropriate things with me. God these men are sick. So sick.

Then I fight each one of them, I zap them, kick them and punch them. Easy. Only 1 man remains, I'm about to zap him, but then he says with fear in his eyes: "Wait! Your little friend is in the bathroom. He's about to die, if I were you I would go to him and help him before he's dead." I know he's talking about Bose but I don't believe it, he's leading me into a trap.

"You're bluffing." I say. But then I realize these guys show no mercy for people. Fuck, what if they really hurt Bose. They were also about to shoot Miles.

"Okay then. Why don't you go there and see it for yourself?" the man says. What if he's dead. No, no, no, no. I have to find him. Now.

I zap the man anyway and grab the weapon Ray gave to us. I fired at each one of them and they're all dead now. Mika gasps and her eyes go wide. The anger that's inside of me right now, is insane. I pull the tape off from Mika's mouth.

''You're not supposed to kill them! They were already down!" Mika yells at me.

"I did what I had to do. Where's Bose?" I ask.

"I don't know, but they had weapons and I have no clue what happened next." She's still tied up to the chair.

"No, no, no, no, fuck!" I yell and walk towards the bathroom. Suddenly I see Bose laying in the bathtub. His eyes are closed. I run up to him, I can hear my own boots hitting the floor with a loud noise. I'm not okay. I'm not fucking okay. My heart is beating so incredibly fast and my entire body is shaking. Suddenly... his eyes go slowly open. I go down on my haunches.

"Bose! What happened? Are you okay?!?" I grab his head and hair softly, and pull him closer to me. I look at him and shed a small tear.

"Chapa?" He sits now. "I'm so tired. What happened?" He looks confused. I can't describe how relieved I am right now. He's alive.

"I don't know, I think you passed out." My voice is unstable. Then I notice blood on his hands. There's a cut in his suit. When I roll up his sleeves, I see his wrists. They cut his wrists so he wouldn't be able to use his power anymore. He's so heavily bleeding right now.

"Oh no. Bose, are you okay?!" I ask with a worried face. I'm still shedding a few tears.

He caresses my cheek. ''You came for me.'' he whispers.

''Of course I came for you. I almost had a heart attack.'' I say while crying. We're both quiet for a few seconds. We're looking at each other and smiling.

"I never thought I'd see you cry." He says softly.

"Me neither." I cry more and smile at the same time.

''Bose, are you okay?'' I ask.

''I am now.'' he smiles and kisses my forehead.

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