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Supers. Enhanced. Powered. No matter what you decide to call them, there's no denying that they're out there. These people were all seemingly normal men and women from the outside but were born with extraordinary abilities that were beyond what average human beings were capable of. These people have been around for the last seventy years, and their incredible abilities have helped stop all types of crime.

Of course, nobody was sure how the human race suddenly began to develop the superpowers that now defined them or where they had exactly come from, but it was thought to be the defining moment in human history.

Across the world, people were gifted with superpowers that were more or less unexpected. Some of them were brutal and powerful, like the power to generate fire or to manipulate electricity, whereas some were far simpler, like the ability to soar above the clouds or being able to move things with only your mind. Seeing people on the news in costumes, wielding different kinds of abilities, and fighting against one another soon became commonplace. And a portion of the planet's population having superpowers was seen as normal.

As time went on, Supers became a part of daily life for a majority of people worldwide. Whether it be civilian or otherwise. Unfortunately, with the number of people who chose to put on masks and costumes to help defend those who needed it the most, there were bound to be people who would do the same for the exact opposite reason.

While it may be true that Supers are the ones that are responsible for catching the criminals that the police are either ill-equipped or incapable of capturing and that they can do a lot of good for the city they're protecting, it's an undeniable fact that some Supers were more than comfortable creating chaos and destruction wherever they went. Those who went out of their way to terrorize and harass ordinary people who were unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire of their wrath.

With this development, came the heroes that became the face of our society and the villains that did their best to destroy it. To oppose them, many Supers stepped into the spotlight to fight crime and protect people from all kinds of trouble. This included the cities that they lived in.

Jefferson City was one of them.

Jefferson City had always been a bustling city, even during World War II, when there were millions of men worldwide who were being drafted and enlisting in the military. With men fighting overseas and women joining the workforce, that left a massive amount of people back home who had no other choice but to endure the hardships of war. Like millions of other people in cities across the US, families were evacuated from towns and cities and had to adjust to separation from loved ones and friends. Many of those who chose to stay were either injured, killed, or made homeless.

On top of all that, the crime rate was rising at a staggering amount. From simple muggings and petty theft to shoot-outs with the police, and bank robberies that left a great deal of people either dead or injured. Day after day, those in the city were left to suffer at the hands of a system that held no sympathy for those who needed it more than anything. As months passed, the crime in Jefferson only got worse.

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