Chapter One

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The sensation of the wind whipping through his hair was a feeling that Emerson would never get tired of

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The sensation of the wind whipping through his hair was a feeling that Emerson would never get tired of. He felt his entire body working; his leg muscles running warm, his heart beating a mile a minute, fresh air entered his lungs and blood flowed into all of his limbs.

As buildings, cars, and people became fading blurs in his peripheral vision, the only thing Emerson could focus on was the adrenaline pumping through his veins. It was as if you were being allowed to take a deep breath after having someone trying to suffocate you.

The feeling was so exhilarating, that he had almost forgotten the reason he was running in the first place: to be on the lookout for any crimes that were being committed. So far, there haven't been any major crimes except for a few thefts.

Normally, Emerson would have left this for the police to handle but seeing as he had a bunch of excess energy, a side-effect of his powers, and a bit of time to spare he figured what was the harm in doing a bit of hero work before heading to school. It wasn't the first time he'd gotten up early to get a few saves in and knowing him, it wouldn't be the last time either.


Emerson was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by a voice on his comm. Skidding to a stop outside of a small cafe, he managed to calm himself down when he realized who the voice belonged to. Bringing his index finger up to his ear, he tapped the comm once to turn it on. It had a direct link to the Sanctum, allowing them a two-way connection that could be used at any time. His father's mechanized voice filled his ear.

"Yes?" he asked. His voice came out nice and deep thanks to the voice modulator hooked into the lining of his suit collar.

"Head towards Ellis Street. The silent alarm at Jefferson City National Bank has been triggered."

"Copy that, Father," Emerson replied.

"And Velocity, remember what we talked about?"

"Only use codenames on the comms. You never know who could be listening."

"Good. When you're finished, head home. You need to get ready for school."

With that said, the comm went silent and Emerson was left with his thoughts for company. Shaking his head, he took off in a blur of cobalt and ran down the street toward the bank.

Emerson changed directions at the first intersection, running around cars as though they were standing still. If the criminals were just petty crooks looking to make a quick buck, then maybe this encounter wouldn't take too long.

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