Chapter Two

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 As the door behind the two teenagers, they walked towards the silver car parked outside the mansion's front door

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As the door behind the two teenagers, they walked towards the silver car parked outside the mansion's front door. Sure enough, occupying the back seats were Jennifer and Mei. Both of them were slumped against their seats and looked bored out of their minds while typing away on their phones.

Seeing the state of the two girls, Finn turned and looked at Emerson. "Still think you didn't take that long?" he jokingly asked. Emerson playfully stuck out his tongue and the two of them got into the car.

The sound of the doors shutting caught the girls' attention. "Finally!" Jennifer exclaimed. "What, did you guys get lost or something?"

"Blame him, not me," Finn said, putting his key in the ignition and starting the car. "Someone took their sweet time to get ready this morning."

"Well, some of us want to look out best for the first day of school," Emerson said as the car took off and drove past the mansion's gates.

"I always look my best, E," Finn said, huffing out a laugh and giving the taller boy an amused look. Which promptly faded at the sound of Jennifer roaring with laughter from the backseat.

The car ride to school was filled with a comfortable silence, the only interruption was the music playing on the radio. Finn was fully concentrated on the road ahead of him, Jennifer and Mei were chatting away, their voices blending into each other and Emerson gazed out of the window, observing the world as it whizzed by in a blur of colors.

It didn't take too much time to reach the school and even less time to find a parking spot. As the four of them got out of the car, Emerson looked out at the mass of students in the parking lot and headed inside.

Finn was brimming with excitement as the group made their way to the cafeteria for breakfast. "Can you believe it, E? This is it. Our senior year," he exclaimed, his enthusiasm obvious as he playfully clapped Emerson on the shoulders and he couldn't help but match the energy the blonde was giving off.

Before he joined the school, back when he was still being homeschooled and the only other human contact he had other than Finn and his father were his tutors, he spent most of his time daydreaming about attending an actual school where there were classrooms and hallways full of students. Now that he was attending Abernathy Academy, he was finally able to live that dream. The school was everything he hoped for and more.

Cornelius Abernathy Preparatory Academy for the Gifted, more commonly known as Abernathy Academy, was one of the many private schools in Jefferson City. But, what set it apart from the other schools was its prestigious reputation and its long-standing history.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, it started as nothing more than a simple schoolhouse. As the years passed and the town of Jefferson flourished into a full-fledged city, Abernathy Academy also grew in size and reputation. Soon, it became well-known for its high-quality education, and over time, many of the school's alumni would go on to become the founders of the families that now occupied Jefferson's elite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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