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It was hard to determine how long the train ride lasted. The lull of the back-and-fourth motion of the train put everyone in a calm stupor, and as long as the train kept moving, everyone was contented. Although people were upset to leave Hogwarts, no one showed it. This ride was the last hurrah to be with friends and feel the magic of school before spending a summer away from all of that, and everyone wanted to make the best of the ride, especially Lily.

It was dark when he Hogwarts Express arrived at Kings Cross station, and everyone was tired and sluggish while leaving the train. Lily exited with her trunk in hand and two best friends by her side. The earlier events of the day had rattled her, and she was vehemently trying to avoid confrontation with James. The object he gave her lay heavy in the pocket of her worn blue jeans as a constant reminder of what she was trying so hard to forget. It was a singular fizzing whizbee, a piece candy from Honeydukes that James had stuffed in his pocket while quickly packing. Lily had to give it to him, it was an impressive improvisation. She could still smell the scent of his sweet breath as if his face were right next to hers, and see the sincerity in his eyes. Her fingers still felt electric with excitement. Lily didn't want to admit it, but there was even a moment, when he was reaching for her hand, when she wanted to leap forward and snog him, passionately. But he was James Potter, and Lily couldn't feel these feelings for such an arrogant toe-rag. Instead, she found a trolley in which she loaded her belongings, located her parents who were beaming with excitement to see her, hugged her friends goodbye and headed home.

James couldn't have been more crushed to leave school as he exited the Hogwarts Express. Usually he didn't mind, his parents treated him well and his friends were always over. Summer was like Hogwarts without all the work and a little less magic. But this year, everything changed because in this last attempt to touch Lily's heart, James thought he actually felt a flutter from under her ribcage.
"Oy, mate! Stop day dreaming!" Sirius yelled as he rolled up on the trolley Peter was pushing. "Right. Hey," James responded. "Have any of you seen Lily? I just want to ask her something before she leaves." James' face was stiff from concentrating on people walking through the crowd, hopeful that he would see a glimpse of bright red hair in the masses. "Forget it!" Sirius said. "It's summer, mate. It's our time for fun! I know of 7 girls who would like to snog you right now, and that doesn't even count the cute muggle girls we will charm off the streets of Grimmuald place!"
James turned his head and smiled, slapping Sirius on the back in an approving manner.
"Ohhh!!! Jamsie!!!" Mrs. Potter squealed as she located her son. "I've missed you so much!" She began, leaning in for a hug. "How was school, sweetheart?" The question was pretty much rhetorical, because by the time she finished the statement, her face was squished into James' hair, mouth kissing him on the side of his head. Mr. Potter was smiling behind him and leaned in for a hug once his wife released her tight grip on their son. "We've just been talking with Mr. and Mrs. Black while waiting for the train." Mrs. Potter turned her head, pointing with her nose to a sallow couple standing a few feet from them. "I'm sure there will be no problem with Sirius visiting you this summer! He just needs to stay home the first week, then you boys will be reunited again." James turned and high-fived his mate, who was previously glaring at his parents. "Alright, let's head home. You must be starving! I have some food prepared at the house then you can take a nice warm bath and tuck into bed!" Mrs. Potter was beaming with joy. "Mum..." James groaned in embarrassment. He heard a giggle and looked beside him to see a flash of red hair pass. "Lily!" He exclaimed, but she was already gone. "Comrades!" He turned his attention to his friends, trying to cover up the obvious rejection. "Until next time, which won't be long!" Peter squealed and Remus nodded in agreement. Sirius threw his arms around James one more time, then they all went their separate ways.

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