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Lily woke the next morning to her busy dormitory full of people scuttling around and packing their belongings last minute. "I had it here LAST NIGHT!" Lily heard a familiar voice, Nova, shriek while she moved objects around with her wand. "I didn't take it!" Celeste defended herself, although the comment wasn't directed towards her. "My mittens are missing also!" She noticed. "It's summer Celeste!" Nova answered, "what do you need mittens for?"
Lily squeezed her eyes tight. Maybe if she pretended today wasn't the day to leave Hogwarts, it would just go away. Then she could spend her summer curled up in her warm bed without anyone bothering her. "Lily!" Celeste sang in her direction, "time to wake up!" Too late.
Lily stretched and rubbed her eyes which were adjusting to the light. "Don't you have to pack!?!" Nova asked, frantically. "Yeah, you better start that. Otherwise we will be late for the train!" Celeste finished Nova's thought, with just as much nervous energy. "I packed last night." Lily's raspy morning voice answered as she slid her feet out from under the covers and on to the floor. Her body followed, wearing a pair of silk red shorts and a tight yellow t-shirt. Even asleep she was a proud Gryffindoor. "Okay." She said, finally awake, "I'm going to get some breakfast." There was no sense of urgency in her voice, which was a welcome surprise to all the hustle and bustle filling the dormitory. "It's our last morning at Hogwarts for the year, and I'm going to enjoy it!" Lily grabbed her robe and slipped it over her pyjamas before leaving the room, with her red hair bouncing perfectly behind her.

There was no order to James' trunk. "Good thing we loaded up on Zonkos and Honeydukes!" He yelled at his friends before shovelling some broken Zonkos pranks into his messy trunk. Remus was packing from behind his desk with his wand, keeping an eye on the Marauders Map. Sirius was running around the dormitory with a pile of scarlet and gold bedding in his arms, tripping over the dragging sheet. Peter had his head under the bed in attempt to look for something, his butt sticking way up in the air behind him. "This summer, I expect owls every day from everyone!" Sirius said from behind a red and gold pillow. "Seriously, if I'm going to be stuck with my torturesome family all summer, I'll need some salvation!" James could feel the cringe on Sirius' face at the thought of a whole summer stuck in a house with the Blacks. "Even better," James responded, "I'll come visit! I'll bust you out of your torture chamber and steal you away to my house!" Sirius laughed with longing and Peter muttered a "M-m-mee too!" from under the bed. Remus' eyes followed the map, then lifted when it spotted his target. "Mischief Managed." He whispered, wiping the map clean. "I'll be right back." Remus directed towards his friends, secretively. "I have something to discuss with someone." He mumbled before leaving the room.

Remus flew down the stairs of his dormitory and rushed out of common room, almost bumping into his target on the way. "Lily!" He jumped in surprise. "I-I was looking for you!" Remus stuttered. Lily gave Remus one of her famous death glares before continuing to walk towards the Great Hall, hopefully alone. "Lily! I'm sorry!" Remus followed, bringing up memories of yesterday's cruel prank. "I wanted to talk to you-prefect to prefect. I know the prank was wrong, Lily, and I didn't want anyone to get hurt." He was pleading for her forgiveness. "Oh yeah?" She asked through her teeth. "Then you should have thought of that yesterday!" She turned and continued walking, except her radiant smile was replaced with a deathly scowl.

Remus heard footsteps running towards him. "Moony!" The footsteps called him. "What in Merlin's name--?" They asked, catching up to him. "James." Remus acknowledged, noting the map held tightly in James' fists. "Were you just talking to Lily?" James asked eagerly. Wow, Remus thought, infatuation may be an understatement with this one. "Tried to." He responded flatly. "Well, what did she say?" James was bursting with energy. "Nothing!" Remus snapped. "Nothing, James. She is pissed. I wouldn't be surprised if she never talks to any of us ever again!" "Don't get your wand in a knot!" James yelled back. "Let's all remember who is the one trying to woo her. Who has fancied her for years!?! Me! So why are you so upset!" James' eyes were bulging. Did his best friend like his girlfriend to be?!? How had he not noticed. "I'm not trying to court her!" Remus yelled back, "I just need to talk to her! We are prefects, we are supposed to work together and throughout the year we had become friends. I needed to ask her where and when we should meet today to take the first years down to the train, but thanks to you and your stupid prank, she probably won't talk to me ever again. She probably won't talk to any of us ever again!" Remus stormed off, steaming. "UGH!" James yelled, kicking the statue standing next to them. "Ouch! Remus!" He called towards his friend who was already walking away. "This is serious!" James continued. James used his first name, so it must be serious, Remus though. "I think I broke my toe!" James pulled his foot out of his shoe, and a shiny black and blue was starting to swell over his big toe. Remus came over and pulled out his wand. "Episky." He muttered towards the injury, and the bruise began to fade. "Thanks, mate." James breathed in a sigh of relief. He put his arm over his buddy's neck and Remus hoisted him up. The fight between the two was forgotten, and they both hobbled down to the Great Hall for a bite to eat before they boarded the Hogwarts Express heading back home.

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