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James watched as Lily stormed down the hallway. Her fiery orange hair bounced in rhythm with her stride and, as if she meant to torture him more, the step of her foot, the swinging of her bag and pretty much every movement of hers seemed to pass in slow motion, filling him with desire. James didn't realise he was dazing out until the last loose curl of her hair disappeared around the corner and he felt a hand clasp his shoulder.
"Is my elegant stag finally getting some action with his secret love," a voice teased behind him, "or is he still sorrowfully stag?" it finished with a chuckle. James turned around to see Sirius' hand holding his shoulder for support due to his uncontrollable laughter. James turned further to face the rest of his friends when he caught the last glimpse of Peter pretending to be a bodacious Lily prancing around in seduction while Remus played the part of a depressed James.
"Quit it guys!" James snapped, obviously more irritated then a few minutes ago.
"What's gotten into you?" Sirius asked concernedly. The curly haired brute was notorious for being the free-spirited heart-throb of Hogwarts. He and his best mate, James, were on the top of every girl's 'to-do' list, so it bothered Sirius thoroughly that James was so caught up with the only girl not falling at his feet.
"Nothing, mate." James said, more unenthusiastic than before. His lost of interest in the matter must have been obvious because Sirius changed the subject immediately, but not before giving James one of his 'we-will-talk-about-this-later' looks. "Okay, Marauders," he started "let's be off the the cafè!" his tone of nonchalantness shone through as the group of boys turned and started walking in unison towards the great hall, like they ruled the world.

When Lily arrived in the Great Hall, she felt her heart skip a beat. No, it wasn't because of the open, beautiful architecture of the room, or the dazzling sunshine beaming down from the enchanted ceiling, she was used to all of that. It was because she felt free. Free of exams, free to wander around the grounds for the remaining time at Hogwarts and free from the grasp of the notorious James Potter. It's not that Lily hated James because of his fascination with her and motive to make every situation awkward for her, it's just that she hated him and his desire to dominate her life with his good looks and cocky attitude. 'Who made him boss?' Lily though as she made her way to the Gryffindor table to find her friends. Nova and Celeste waved her over.
"How was it?" Nova asked immediately
"What took you so long? Your exam should have ended twenty minutes ago and it doesn't take that long to get from Ancient Runes to the Great Hall!" Celeste pointed out, much to Lily's dismay.
"Err...I got caught up..." Lily mumbled, trying to avoid explaining the whole James situation to her friends. Lily didn't realise how hungry she was until now. All she had for breakfast was a nibble off a piece of toast due to pre-exam nerves.
"Well," Celeste continued the conversation, noting that Lily wasn't telling them something. "Divination was so stupid. I faked most of the exam, but that old hat didn't seem too concerned. Not sure what my grade will be yet. Anyways, her room ALWAYS makes me SO hungry. Let's eat." Lily was more than glad to abide to Celeste's last sentence. Like the castle heard, too, massive amounts of food magically appeared on the four long tables stretching across the room marking the start of lunch. Lily grabbed a large gold plate from the centre of the table and started loading it with food. Celeste, who had already filled her plate took her first bite of food and continued into her next sentences. "It's not like I'll ever need Divination..." Celeste said, "not unless I want to be a seer, and let's face it, if I wanted to be one I would already have undying prophetic knowledge and seeing powers." The one thing Lily liked about Celeste is that the conversation never ran dry. The pretty blonde girl had wavy hair, startling blue eyes, and a plump mouth that never stopped moving. "...I mean, if I do have them they haven't presented themselves yet. Whatever, their loss!" Celeste finished her tirade on her lack of Divination skills and started to tangent about how the smell of jasmine and lavender in the Divination room reminds her of the time she was seven and had to visit her Great-Aunt Dianne, who wasn't even blood related, but it was the first time her magical abilities presented themselves. It was a story Lily was already familiar with, but she was all too happy for Celeste to tell it again because it gave her a chance to space out and eat. Lily grabbed her fork and spooned a huge helping of mashed potatoes into her mouth the same moment she felt a body thunk down on the bench next to her and heard the all too familiar voice saying 'Hey Evans, long time, no see."

'Great,' Lily thought to herself. 'Just when I though things were looking up.' She quickly swallowed her mashed potatoes, feeling the heat scald her throat, and choked out "Go away, Potter. Didn't you already have your fun for today?" James smiled lightly and asked "If something is fun, why would I want it to end?" Nova and Celeste rolled their eyes familiarly as the rest of the Marauders slid onto the benches opposite them.

It wasn't luck that brought James Potter to Lily's location on this fine summer afternoon. After all, it was lunch time and a reasonable place to eat would be the Great Hall. Also, he thought he heard her mention she was heading this direction during their little encounter in the hallway. It wasn't James luck he was sitting next to the beautiful Lily Evans. It was James's destiny, or so he liked to believe. James was, to say the least, hopelessly in love with Lily. He adored everything about her, from her height to her hair to her spunk, James loved everything. But, it was those little encounters like the one in the hall today that made James Potter completely infatuated with Lily Evans. The way she easily retorted to James made him feel special and a bit scared. Everyone else in the school would take a day trapped in an arena with a blast-ended Skrewet before telling James Potter to 'shove off,' but not Lily. James loved how easily every word flowed out of her mouth, and couldn't get enough of it. Today was the last day before a long summer in which James Potter could woo Lily Evans, and he was falsely confident of his imminent success. By this time tomorrow, he fantasised, he would be heading home on the Hogwarts Express with a beautiful red-head draped over his arm cooing her love in his ear. For months now, the sexual tension between the two Gryffindors surpassed 'long, sultry looks in the hall' to 'taunting exchanges that would end in making out if no one else was around,' or that's what James liked to believe. Even the "What do you want, James?" Lily spit out now was lusting for him. "Lily, have I ever told you the story of the devilishly handsome young man and his quest for true love? It's one of my favourites, and I think you would enjoy it." James stated, hoping to insinuate conversation. 'No..?' Lily responded questionably, not wanting to invite a story. "I have to tell you then!" James sang with joy, "For it would be a shame if you went another summer in the dark about this thrilling tale."

Lily watched as James over dramatised a story of a cursed boy looking high and low for his one soulmate, the only person who could
break the loneliness evilly thrust upon him. In fairness, the story could be decent if told right. But, the way James told it sounded like a butchered fairy tale, made far more inappropriate than necessary. "And finally," James concluded, "the two lovers joined together to conquer the world and banish evil, love taking-hags from existence. So, what did you think, Lily?" Celeste was the first to chime in. "I don't get it." she said, matter-of-factly. But, that didn't break the charmer's ego. "Lily, thoughts?" He repeated. "If I say it's all right, will you finally leave me alone?" Lily asked, concentrating more on her empty plate then the boy himself. "But, don't you get it? Can't you feel the moral hit you right in the heart?" James responded eagerly. "Moral? There was no moral. It was a stupid love story glorified with blood and guts." Tension was rising, to James' joy. "The moral: no one should be left alone. Everyone should have love." Lily scoffed. "Lily, I'm worried for you." James continued. "You're lonely. There is no love in your life. But don't fret, I'm here to save you!" The smile on James' face stretched ear-to-ear, but Lily didn't react the same way. Lily was infuriated. "Save ME!?!" She practically yelled while rising from her seat. "Save ME!?! James Potter, the only person who will need saving will be YOU if you don't leave in ten seconds." "Lil, c'mon." James said calmly, his confidence only slightly wavered. But Lily wasn't going to have it. "10.." She started, "9..." Nova joined. "James, let's get out of here." Remus finally put in, but James didn't move. "8..." Celeste continued. Lily took out her wand and pointed it at the middle of James' forehead, like it was one of those assassin devices the muggles used. James just smiled. "Nice wand, Lily. You know, I have an impressive wand, too. You should see it sometime. Unfortunately, I can't show you here, but if you want to come up to the common room, we can make a little magic together." He cocked one eyebrow up, but it was his lopsided smirk that said it all. "UGH!" Lily screamed before angrily storming out of the great hall with Nova and Celeste in her trail.

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