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Lily Evans heard the proctor call as she dotted her last 'i' and put down her quill with a sigh of relief. The O.W.L. exams were finally over and Lily felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Everything on her exam became irrelevant now, seeing as she couldn't fix it, and she was more than ready to relax into the summer.

The proctor came around and collected her test, liberating her from the restricting classroom still half full of worrisome students. She slung her bag over her shoulder and headed towards the great hall, where she promised to meet her friends Nova and Celeste for lunch.

"Oy! Evans" Lily heard a voice immediately following her down the corridor. It was the Potter boy. 'Great,' Lily thought to herself, 'this is exactly what I needed!'

"O.W.L.S. are over. How 'bout u and I go and do some end of term celebrating down at Hogsmede?" James said with a certain sparkle of mischief in his eye.

"Shove it, James" Lily replied "The chances of me going with you are about as probable as you getting an 'O' on your potion's O.W.L"

James looked taken aback, but waved off the dis with a smirk of disconcert. "Not all of us have a slimy greaseball teaching us the material like you. Plus, that putrid shade of orange for my Cheering Potion did look pretty promising."

Lily didn't care, to say the least. She had to go, but James was blocking the way. "Listen, Potter," Lily said, "I would love to hear all about the miserable failure of your exam, but I really have to go."

"It wasn't that miserable," James replied half heartedly. "But if you would love to hear about it, how could I deny you such a pleasure?"

"It's sarcasm." Lily responded "Get a clue, will you? Now, if you would just move out of my way everything will be just dandy."

"Oh, Lily, I do have a clue..." James said overly confident "and your desire to get as far away from me as possible could only say one thing: you want me, Evans."

"You couldn't be more wrong..." Lily started

"But, I can imagine you have places to go and friends to gossip about me to, so all it will take is a snog, Evans. One snog then your free to go about your day."

Lily could feel the hatred build up in her chest. He always did this! Why was it her on which he took out his sexual frustration? Almost every other girl at Hogwarts would be more than willing to have a nice long snog with James Potter, but not Lily. No, that toad-spawned git could stay as far away from her as possible and she would be just fine.

"In your dreams." Lily responded, quickly and angrily

"Oh, we have, many times. So let's make it come true." James retorted almost too easily

"Never." Lily said through tight teeth.

"Please, Evans!" James exclaimed over-dramatically, "I can't take it when you get angry! It's a sure fire sign of your lips calling to be pressed upon mine! And damned sexy, too!"

This was it. The breaking point. Lily shoved James with her shoulder and stormed away, her face almost as red as her hair. She slightly looked back with rage engulfing her body, which only shot up when she saw that smirk James had on while leaning against the wall, assuring himself of a job well done. She was enraged. How dare he try to take advantage of her like that! And how dare she think that messy hair of his and the aggravating smile with that glint of mischief in his eyes uncontrollably attractive.

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