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Lily didn't realise how long it had been since she last talked to her best friend. It was hard, though. Lily couldn't blame herself for the house rivalry and stupid stigma the Gryffindors put on the Slytherins, especially one like Severus Snape. It wasn't that Severus was a bad guy, it's just that he was different. And in a world where magic was expected and people walking around with three eyes carrying a pet that was half dragon half something-else was normal, Lily couldn't comprehend how Sev was an outcast. "...it's okay, though. I'm pretty sure Slughorn will give me a make up test for that. I couldn't control the fact that I was hexed." Snape finished his story, pulling Lily out of her thoughts. "I'm so sorry, Sev." Lily responded. "Those pricks have to find something better to do with their time than torture you, or the next time I swear to Merlin they will be on the wrong end of my bat-boogie hex!" "It's fine, Lil. I can defend myself." Severus mumbled, humiliated but flattered that she would be willing to come to his rescue. "Anyways, what's up with you?" He changed the topic quickly. "Any new stories about the Murders- I mean Marauders- trying to initiate you into their little group?" His sentence was full of hate and, could it be, longing. "James tried to corner me in the hall today." Lily responded to an eager look on Severus' face. He loved hearing about these stories because they reminded him that Lily was still his, and not coerced by the charming James Potter, unlike everybody else in the school."Yeah, this time on his own. He just gets more and more vile! Every encounter with him feels like I am being dragged underwater by grindylows, each minute submerging deeper and deeper until I have to give up, because by now it's impossible to make it back to the surface for air." Snape cringed for Lily, showing his emersion in the story she was about to launch into. And then, if on cue, a sprinting figure with red and black robes flailing around and a determined face slammed right into Lily, knocking the wind out of her and throwing her to the ground.

"Lily!" James exclaimed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and jumping to a stand. "I didn't see you there!" "Of course you didn't see me!" Lily spat angrily at James while patting dust off the front of her robes. "Where were you going anyways?" She inquired. "I was looking for...someone..." James stopped, setting eyes on his target. How was he supposed to lure Snape into his trap without getting Lily upset? "Dragon Balls" James hissed through his teeth as he saw his meticulous plan unravel around him. "We were just heading outside." Lily snapped. "So, if you would do me the pleasure, move out of the way so we can get around." Her fake sincerity hit James where it hurt, and Lily was proud. She grabbed Sev's hand and pulled him towards her before locking elbows with her friend. James could feel hate boil up in him. Why was she attracted to such a greeseball!?! He couldn't get their friendship out of his mind. It haunted him at night and during the long dinners he dedicated to staring at Lily and fantasising about a perfect world. Was Snivillus the real reason James and Lily weren't together by now? Or did she really loathe him that much? "At least they're heading outside." James whispered with even more malice than before, "maybe hope of the prank is not lost after all."

After the incident with James, Severus couldn't have felt worse. He wanted to back up Lily when she yelled at him, but one glance at the trickster and he froze up. "Lily, I'm sorry. I'm sorry Lily." He stammered, his arm feeling heavy in hers. "Sev, it's not your fault!" Lily insisted. "You had no control over his presence and certainly didn't do anything wrong!" She finished, matter-of-factly. "If only I...." Severus mumbled. "There was nothing to do." Lily cut him off.

The sun outside was radiant, filling Lily with an internal glow, like she just drank the best brewed cheering potion in existence. "The lake looks lovely today," Lily almost laughed, "how about we settle by the tree near it, then we can finish our conversation." "Sure." Snape responded. He never told her, but he had a thing for hanging out under trees, especially with Lily.

There were many things Snape didn't tell Lily, which was surprising because he told her everything. He assumed she knew some of them, like how she was his best friend and he would be completely lost without her, and probably involved in some dark magic. Even the fact that the bullying would probably be ten times worse if he didn't affiliate himself with the popular red-head. There were many things Snape never told Lily, even though he believed she knew them already. Saying them would just make it real. But, Snape was curious to the extent of her knowledge. He thought about this when walking to the lake by her side. How much did she know? Was it possible that Lily knew how much Severus Snape loved her? And not best friend love, but wanting to be her boyfriend love. Snape was completely infatuated with Lily, although he didn't show it the same way as James. He stood by her side and comforted her, desiring more but not wanting to push it for fear that she would pull away. He wanted to be able to hold her hand in public, run his fingers through her long, fiery hair and match his lips to hers in a snog that would last a lifetime. But, he knew he couldn't.

"Wow. The lake is even prettier up close!" Lily said in awe as they got there. The magic of Hogwarts never ceased to amaze her. The two friends plopped down on the luscious grass and Lily ran her hands over its blades. Grass, something muggles and wizards share. Something to bring her back to this moment during her long summer away from magic. "Eww!" Lily yelled, as a rat ran across her feet, followed by a splash from the Giant Squid. "Is that...?" Snape snapped up, curious. "OY! EVANS!" Lily heard an all too familiar voice about to disrupt her once more. "I'll handle it!" Sev stood up, finding his bravery. He marched to Potter, strident for the first time this year. "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he heard before looking up. Then "BOOM!" The Marauders' plan sprung into action.

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