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Ich schreibe eine neue Geschichte aber ein Englisch, es würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mal vorbeischaut

Ich schreibe eine neue Geschichte aber ein Englisch, es würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mal vorbeischaut

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It's a story about the York mysterious missing....

Since I was a little kid, I lived in York. A city known for its scary stories. There is one that scared me the most when I was a small kid, one that left me have goosebumps every time I heard it from my parents yet at the same time I loved it.

In 1985 people used to go missing, and when the police started to investigate they always found a tape on the victim's bed. Yet when they always played the video there was only a black screen with text only saying the word „Woods".

The police always searched for them in the woods but never found the missing person...Until one week passes they find the person hanging their bedroom, blood dripping down from it, its eyes stabbed out and mouth sewn together.

It continued like this for one whole year until the mystery stopped, everyone thought it was the end but what if it wasn't? What if the person comes back? Is it even a person who does this to People? I always believed in ghosts and dark magic but is it real? What were in those Tapes? or was it only the word „Woods"?

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