Chapter 2 - A Happy Reunion!

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"Mr. Aizawa! I know this might be sudden, but.. can we go?" Deku asked.

Aizawa sighed and looked around at his students. He knew they wouldn't take "No" for an answer, so he sighed and asked, "Does anyone else wanna go?"

"I do!" Mirio shouted.

"Are you kidding, of course!" Nejire said with excitement.

"Sure, why not?" Tamaki nervously stepped up.

"Well then, I guess I'll go too." Aizawa sighed, scratching his head.

"Wait, but don't you have to work?" Asked Deku.

"No, like everyone who was in the raid, I'm off for at least a week so I can recover." Stated Aizawa.

"Well, that's great!" Said Uraraka.

Their other classmate, Tenya lida, stood up and raised his hand, "I'll go as well!"

Their other classmate, Tenya lida, stood up and raised his hand, "I'll go as well!"

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Tenya lida

Deku and Uraraka turned their heads to lida in excitement, "Hah! Nice!" They both went, sticking their thumbs up.

"Wait, you're going too, lida?" Todoroki asked.

Lida then turned to Todoroki, "Why, of course!" He said, "I've been waiting to go there ever since I've heard about it from you guys."

"Well, ya know I'm goin!" Kirishima said with a cheeky grin.

"Me too!" Kaminari added.

Bakugo let out a sigh in an attempt to hide his excitement to go and see their friends back at Canterlot High (especially Fluttershy.).

"Yeah, I guess I'll go.." Bakugo said, trying to hide his blushing.

"Same." Todoroki said.

"Oh, oh, can I go?" Eri asked, grabbing on to Deku's leg. Deku then looks up at Aizawa and asks him, "Can she, Aizawa?"

Aizawa looked at everyone in the room, their eyes begging for him to say yes, including Eri. Aizawa sighs quietly and nods his head; everyone cheers in reaction.

"So, is that everyone?" Asked Aizawa. Everyone else in Class 1-A still had hero work to do.

"Alright then, let's go." Said Aizawa.

Deku then put one of the magical devices in the ground, causing a portal to appear. Aizawa, Eri, and the big three stared in awe.

"Welp, you guys ready?!" Asked Deku, giving glances at everyone in the room.

"Wait, wait!" A voice shouted, they all turned to see a exhausted Mina Ashido.

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