Chapter 9 - Mysteries of Twilight Sparkle.

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"Piiiiinkiiiiieeeee!!!!!" A voice shouted behind them as they walked down the hallway. They turned and see Lida running towards them.

"Huh? Oh, it's Lida." Pinkie realized. "Wow, you look a mess!"

"There you are..." Lida said, panting.

"Where the hell were you at the party?" Bakugo asked.

"I was asked by Cadence to help her get the other students onto the bus..." Lida replied. "But... that doesn't... matter now... anyways, you! Pinkie!"

"Um... you alright-"


"But I didn't." Pinkie replied.

"But you could've!" Lida spat back.

"Buut I didn't."

"But you could've-"

"Yeah, buuuuuuuuuut I didn't." Pinkie smiled, Lida just groaned in response.

"Look, I know you're a bit energetic, but those party were not apart of principal Cinch's choice of decoration!" Lida said, his hands moved with his words.

"So? That party was getting boring anyway! And what's a party without party cannons?!" Pinkie asked.

She's even more stubborn than Hatsume! Lida thought, tirelessly. "There's just no reasoning with you, is there?"

"Better get used to it." Rainbow Dash said in a joking manner, Lida sighed once again. "What are you all doing out here?"

"Well, we were planning on heading to the Soccer field and wait for Sunset there, but she just ran off, and-"


A yelled was from the end of the hallway, the group turned around and saw Sunset running towards them. Midoriya ran up and caught her before she could fall, "What's wrong? Did you find her?!"

"Yeah... I did, but.... but..." Sunset spoke in tired breathes.

"What, what?!" Deku pleaded, helping her stand up.

"The portal.... it's gone!"
Everyone gasped In shock.

"NO WAY!" They all shouted.

Meanwhile, outside of CHS

Twilight was called by Cadence over to the bus where Ms. Joke and her students. She laughed at them nervously before getting into the line, getting petty insults from Sour Sweet.

She then got onto the bus, and was met with a surprising message by Indigo Zap.

"Are we gonna win?!" She demanded, getting uncomfortably close to Twilight's face.

"I... um-"

"I said: ARE. WE GONNA. WIN?!"

Twilight struggled to find an answer as she nervously looked down. She wanted to said that they would win, but she wasn't certain. However, with Indigo Zap pressuring her for approval, she didn't know exactly what to say.

Luckily, she didn't have to, as Inasa would step up. "Zap, what are doing?!" He said. "Don't ask her such a stupid question! We all know who's gonna win this thing, right?!"

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