Chapter 8 - Where'd it Go?

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After everyone left, principal cinch walked back into the curtains, where she met by looks of disapproval from Celestia and Luna.

She shrugged and asked, "What's wrong?"

Celestia snarled, "We get it, Cinch. Crystal Prep always wins, and is very well likely to again this year. But that doesn't mean you can just blantly insult us!"

"Oh. But I can! Besides, one of us had to admit it!" Cinch said In a snarky tone.

"Alright, that's enough." Aizawa walked up. "You may be an annoucencer for the Friendship Games, but that doesn't mean you can insult the staff and their students."

"He's a got a point there, principal Cinch." Ms. Joke chimed in. "I mean, these are the Friendship Games after all, so don't go insulting the other teams like that!"

Principal Cinch adjusted her glasses. "I can do as I like, Mr. Aizawa." She said. "However, since you both are quite new here, I understand your misunderstanding?"

"What is there to misunderstand?" Asked Aizawa. "All I understand is that you insulted the competitors for the sole purpose of fueling your ego. Isn't that right?"

Principal Cinch frowned and scoffed in annoyance. "When you're at MY status, I think having an ego is well deserved."

"Screw your goddamn reputation." Aizawa scowled, causing everyone to gasp.

"Uh, Aizawa, I think we should all just-"

"Sorry, but that's just not possible." Aizawa interrupted Luna. "Whether your reputation is good or not, it won't matter for you in the long run if you're an asshole, got it?"

Cinch's eyes narrowed, and Celestia and Luna stepped back in shock. Cinch raised a finger opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but she quickly closed it after a few seconds of saying nothing.

She closed her eyes in defiance and sighed deeply as she walked away.

"You sure did put her in her place, yo!" Mic suddenly appeared behind a metal box.

"It was nothing, really." Aizawa said. "You won't believe how many pros I've met with that exact same kind of mindset."

"While I agree with the Dj-"

"It's Present Mic." Reminded Present Mic.

"Oh um, of course, ahem! While I agree with Present Mic, did you really have use such... strong language against her?" Asked Celestia. "It just seemed so... how do I put this? Unecessary?"

"Whether it was necessary or not doesn't matter; what matters is that I got my point across." Answered Aizawa. "Besides, I'm sure you were all thinking the exact same thing, weren't you?"

"I! Um... well, we-"

"Exactly!" Said Aizawa. "Now, if you'll excuse, I'll be off now."

"But! Where are you going?!" Asked Celestia.

"I need to talk to my students, and check on Eri to see if she's doing okay." Aizawa said as he turned around and began walking off. "She's like a daughter to me."

Aizawa then walks out to the stage, leaving the two sisters baffled and confused.

"What's with him?" Asked Celestia, placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm... not sure." Responded Luna. "He's incredibly hard to read, even for me."

"Best not to try." Said Present Mic with a smile. "He's always hard to read."

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