Chapter 16 - The Day Is Here! (Part 1)

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The gang finally arrived at the school, the loud speaker welcoming them with the words: "Good morning, everyone! I'm sure we're all thrilled to begin the first day of the Friendship Game-"


A sigh was heard from Cadence. "Ahem!"

"Oh... right, sorry." Said Present Mic.

"Anyways, our competitors will face off in every aspect of the CHS curriculum, culminating in the elimination equations technology!
It will begin in just a few hours!"

"Elimination equations technology?! Oh, I'm so pysched!" Deku exclaimed, a cheeky grin on his face.

The energy Deku was accumulating was so rare to see that everyone in the group gave him awkward glances. Eventually, Deku became embarrassed and blushed, which Sunset found adorable.

"Uh, sorry!" Deku said with embarrassment. "I'm just, y'know... really good at that."

"Oh, that's great! Speaking of..." Sunset caught up to Deku. "Could you help with it? I'll be the one competing in that."

Deku gave her a smile, "Sure!" He said, 'I'll be in the library, meet me there in twenty minutes."

Uraraka looked at them with a smile.

"Well, Bakugo, you ready for the Friendship Games?" Kirishima asked Bakugo, who was quick to snort.

"If you're talking about the last competition, then hell yeah." He replied, placing his fist into his left palm with a small explosion and short grin. "It seems me and that meatball guy have problems... we'll settle that."

"I'm sure you'll do great out there, Bakugo!" Fluttershy

"Oh? Do you plan on going against him, Bakugo?" Kamanari asked.

Bakugo scoffed. "Yeah, what about it?" He asked. "What, did you want to go against him? Don't worry, it's not too late for that."

A look of bewilderment fell upon Kaminari's face.
'Is he serious?' He thought. "What'doya mean?"

"Eraser head is the one who accepts our request to fight the students from the other schools." Bakugo explained. "What I'm saying is, if you want to fight him, I can give up my slot for ya."

That look of puzzlement soon turned into a wide smile. The entire group was only a tad bit shocked by this.

"Jeez, you've been... too nice lately, Bakugo." Mentioned Kirishima.

"The blame is definitely on Fluttershy for that!" Applejack said. Fluttershy blushed and smiled in response.

"Thank the heavens for Fluttershy, oh dammit!" Tears of happiness streamed down Kaminari's face as he stared at the beautiful sky.

'Never change, Kaminari. Never change.' Thought Ochako, snickering at his crying.

"So, Todoroki, who'll be your opponent?" Asked Kirishima.

The answer was clear to Todoroki.
"Inasa. I want to show him how far I've come since then."

"Heh. You better win." Bakugo said, his grin growing wider.

Todoroki stared aimlessly at his fist, remembering that he was his own person.
'Maybe through fighting him, I can put out the burning rage in my heart towards my father.' He thought.

"Well, I know my opponent!" Uraraka said with pride, "Camie! I'll beat her to the dirt!"

"Heh. This reminds me of the sports festival-"

"Except even better!" Pinkie Pie was quick to cut Lida off, which annoyed him to an extent. In her, all he could see was Hatsume.

"You don't even know what that is!" Lida clapped back.

"Hmm..." All Pinkie Pie did was shrug. "Eh, don't know, don't care!"

Lida then leaned over to Rainbow Dash. "Is she... always like this?" He asked.

"Yep!" Rainbow Dash said, rolling her eyes with a smile.

"I agree with Lida." Tamaki said ever so shyly. "All this pressure I feel, these worries. They're all so... big."

"Hey, hey." Sonata patted him on the back. "It'll be just fine! Especially with us competing this year! We'll win for sure! Leave your worries to us, okay?"

Tamaki smiled. "Well, when you put it that way. It does make a bit less worrying."

"See?" A cheeky smile formed on Sonata's face.

As they reached the steps, they heard the voice a familiar voice call them from afar.

Deku and the group whipped their heads to the right with delight, aware of who that was.

"Eri!" Deku called out, kneeling down and holding his arms out wide for a big hug as Eri came running towards him


Eri threw her arms around Deku shoulders. Well, just barely, and they embraced.
"Oh, I've missed you!"

"Huh? But it's only been one day." Eri said, her smile twisting into a more confused look.

"Yeah, I know, but I truly did!" Deku said, give her head pats. "So, how's it going? Are you ready for the Friendship Games?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Eri said, throwing her arms up in the air in delight. "Me and my three friends were just drawing something for you! Just wait, you'll see!"

"Well, that's wonderful to hear, Eri." Mirio said with a smile. "Can't wait to see you guys came up with!"


"Hey, Eri!" Applebloom called from afar, under a tree on the side of the school with the rest of the gang, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Could ya give us some help here? We need your drawing skills on the logo!"

"Coming!" Eri promised, turning back to Deku and giving him one last hug. "I'll see you at the games!"

She then ran off.

"Glad to see she's making friends." Mirio said, placing a hand over Deku's shoulder.

"Yeah, it really is." Deku said. "She needs this, especially after all that happened."

"Midoriya? Mirio?" The two turned to see Lida holding the door for them. "Are you guys coming in?"

They both nodded and quickly entered the school. Of course, Deku immediately headed to the library to wait for Sunset Shimmer. Mirio would go off to see Aizawa, and the rest would head to the gym where they could prepare themselves for the Friendship Games!


Author's note: Two Chapters in a day! It's a black flash for me. It rarely occurs, but when it does, I feel quite proud!
If I'm lucky, I'll get out the third chapter today... or soon, most likely!

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