Chapter 12 - Talk About Love

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Another wave of silence filled the air as Sunset and Ochako both stared down at the table. Both of their confessions were obviously too much for them too handle, causing them to blush in both embarrassment, and angriness.

"I-I didn't know that.... ya know... you liked him..." Sunset Shimmer said.

"No, it's fine..." Ochako assured, "I... didn't know that either..."

"S-so," Sunset raised her head up, "Just how long have you had a crush on Deku?" She asked, smiling nervously.

Ochako blushed even more, and her eyes met Sunset's, ".... I can't exactly tell when...
Oh... right."

When he saved me in the entrance exam for UA..."

"Entrance Exam?" Asked Sunset.

"Yeah," Ochako answered, "For the exam, we had to defeat as many robots as we could for points. I was doing so well, that is, until they unexpectedly pulled the big robot out. Once it came out, I got stuck under a piece of rubble and thought I was done for.. until deku jumped in and saved me...
I've seen heroism before, but that time, when I saw him, It felt different... I didn't know what it was at first, but it felt different.
As we went through our school year, I started to realize what these feelings were....


"And I was sure he loved me too, and after we graduated, we could... be heroes together... but now," tears began to roll down Ochako's cheeks, "I guess... he loves you now..." She spoke in sobs...

Sunset felt her heart sink to her stomach. She felt so incredibly guilty. She knew it was something she couldn't control, but even so, she felt bad for her.
"I... I'm so sorry, Ochako! I-I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" She slightly raised her voice as she jolted up from her chair. "You... you can have him. I don't deserve him as much as you do..."

Ochako sighed deeply, "It's okay, Sunset, really-"

Sunset shot up out of her chair and slammed her hands onto the table, "No! It's not!" She hung her head low, "You're a hero, just like Izuku! And I'm just a girl who barely knows anything about Friendship. You deserve him more than me!"

"No, it's okay." Ochako muttered, causing Sunset to look up surprised. All of the sudden, Ochako slowly stood up from her chair, and began to walk towards the entrance of the kitchen. Before Sunset could even say anything, Ochako stopped upon and touching the doorknob with her left hand.
She then whipped her head around, tears flowing slowly down her face, and holding up a huge thumbs up to Sunset Shimmer.

"You better take good care of that boy, Sunset... I care for him very much!"

Sunset froze upon hearing those words. She had expected Ochako to act bitter towards her, but the look in her eyes and tone of her voice reeked of... pride?
The last wave of silence filled the room, as Ochako finally turned around and opened the door.
"You don't have to think about it, Sunset... just...take care of him, alright?"
She said, quietly. "With how much you've changed, I'm sure you'll will."

"But, I haven't-"

"You have," Ochako interrupted, "don't you remember what Izuku told you that day?"

Sunset stood there for a moment, blankly staring at the door to the bedroom. She then smirked ever so slightly as she remembered Izuku's words from before
Right, I have changed...
She then said to Uraraka with slight pride: "Don't you worry, I will."

"Wooo hooo!"

A few slow, distinct claps were heard from the corner of the room, causing both of them to gasp and whip their heads around where they heard the sound, and there stood Pinkie's older sister, Maud Pie, in her pajamas.

"Deeply emotional speech," She said, looking at Boulder, "Don't you agree, Boulder?"

Sunset Shimmer and Ochako Uraraka looked at each other silence in a moment before bursting out laughing. They then both said their goodbyes and went to bed...

To Be Continued!

Author's note: Sorry for this being so short, I promise the next one will be longer! Also, sorry about how rushed this feels. I really didn't like writing it.
Hope ya enjoyed this, tho!

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