Chapter 15 - The Plan (Part 2)

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"What about my pendant?" Twilight inquired, staring down at her Pendant.

"During the party, I noticed that when you around one of CHS students, you somehow... made them exhausted." Cinch recalled. "I have quite the good suspicion as to why that is."

Twilight cackled nervously, tightening her grip on her pendant. She was not fond of where this was heading.
"Hehe... you do?" She asked hesitantly.

"Mhm." Cinch would then nod, head back to her chair, then take a seat. "That pendant of yours steals magic, doesn't it?"

Just like that, it felt as if Twilight's heart sunk to her stomach. She gulped and tried her hardest to keep her fake smile.
In all honesty, not even Twilight knew the exact answer for that question. For all she knew, the pendant merely could've been absorbing the energy of those girls.

But she gave it more thought.

She remembered the weird feeling when her pendant absorbed the energy or magic of that mirror...

'Could that have been...'

"Well, I'm quite conflicted on whether it actually steals magic or not.
However, with the strange energy I've been picking up from Canterlot High, I don't doubt such." Twilight explained. "What is it you want to do with it?"

"With CHS having a dreadful losing streak, I'm sure they'll be using their... strange energy to try to cheat and win the games.
That can't happen." Cinch said, "There are two options we can use with your pendant." She put two fingers up, "One, we can cancel their magic with your pendant if they decide to use it.
And two... we can use it our advantage by releasing it."


"Is there a problem?" Cinch asked, "What? Have you never bothered to try and release the magic?"

"Well, of course not!" Twilight clapped back. "What if I can't control it? What if it gets everyone hurt?"

"Does that really matter with what is at stake here?!" Cinch asked, slamming her fist onto the desk like a hammer to a nail. "Your future, my legacy, the school's legacy... it must be endured for the sake of our town!"

'But what about I want? Doesn't that matter?' Twilight wanted to ask, but she thought about it.

Everything she wanted was here at Crystal Prep, but... she had no friends here.
The people she met at CHS seemed to care about her. They welcomed her, even though it seemed a bit strange.

She did not know what would happen if she unleashed the magic she stole from them, and quite frankly, she didn't want to find out. The unknown factor of such a thing left possibilities that seemed too... terrifying.

Furthermore, she didn't really have a choice. If she refused any of Cinch's suggestions for her, she'll deny her application to Everton, and she got into her independent studies.

'I truly can't do anything... I never could.' Thought Twilight.

"So, do you understand it now?" Cinch asked, her glare as serious as ever.

Twilight sighed and held her pendant close to her chest. "Yes, I do."
'Even if I don't want to compete, if I do, I'll finally get what I want.
But... is this even what I want? Is taking such a risk worth it?'

These thoughts flooded her mind unexpectedly like a flock of birds. It had gotten to a point where she didn't even know exactly what she wanted.
She found herself aimlessly going along with the flow.

"Good." Cinch replied, her smile growing wider. "We'll be heading to CHS soon for the games. Be sure to follow me to the playing field once you get off the bus."

"Yes, Principal Cinch."

"You're now dismissed."

Twilight then walked out of the room with a gloomy look on her face.
'There's no point in asking what I want.
At this point, I don't think I even know.'


Author's note: "Sorry this took so long. If I wasn't such a lazy idiot than maybe this would've gotten out sooner. I've just been enjoying my summer break quite a bit, and while that may be a bad thing, that's what I've been doing, plus I've been writing my other four fics. So yeah. Expect a new chapter soon. I'll be overworking myself more than usual this time around for your guys' sake."

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