Prolouge: Special Delivery

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July 8th, 1995 3:42 am. William speeds down so fast on the freeway in the rain that you could barely see ahead. "Honey please I want to make it to the hospital alive!" screams Sophia. "Sorry I just don't want you to have the baby in the car plus I am very nervous!" William grabs tightly on the wheel and starts going even faster than before not caring who is in the way and who he might hurt. After a good thirty minutes of Sophia screaming and William's reckless driving, they finally made it to St. Paul's Hospital. William rushed over to Sophia's car door and helped walk her to the hospital doors. "Please someone help us! My wife is in labor and is about ready to give birth on this floor if we don't hurry up!" The nurse from beind the desk picked up the phone and called for help while another nurse got a wheelchair. Some people came running down to help Sophia while William goes to the front desk to sign in. "Alright  what's the last name sir?", the nurse asked. "Rivers. William and Sophia Rivers." William looks over to his left and sees his wife being carried away towards the elevator. "I love you William!" Sophia yells before the doors close. "I love you too sweetheart." William turns back around to the front desk and continues checking into the hospital.


After checking in William rushes to the maternity floor where Sophia is already being prepped for delivery. The room was a buzz with nurses and a doctor working on Sophia. William waited eagerly to be by his wife's side. After what seem to be like hours the doctor finally comes out and tells William he is able to come in and support his wife. With a sigh William said, " we go." Sophia was attached to tubes, monitors, and all kinds of technical things and that made William even more nervous. Lost in his thoughts he didn't even notice the nurse talking to him, "Put this on please Mr.Rivers if you're going to help deliver the baby and your wife has something to tell you." After putting on his medical gear he slowly walks over to Sophia and grabs her hand. Sophia says, "Honey...uhm....I'm afraid that there's something wrong", William begins to worry, "the doctor said that the baby is in a strange position and that the heart rate seems to keep skipping and that it almost sounds like two different beats. I may need a C-Section." William's heart pounds in a wave of confusion that flows through his body. "I don't care what it takes as long as this baby comes out safe and healthy! I don't know what I would do if it didn't." William said with despair in his voice. All of a sudden alarms start going off, machines started beeping, nurses and doctors started rushing in the room. We overheard them saying, "The baby's heart rate is dropping! We need to go to the O.R. stat!." In a flash Sophia's bed is being pulled out of the room and she is crying hysterically while William is trying to ask questions but everyone keeps telling him they don't have time and need to hurry. Without asking anymore questions William grabs whatever he needs, says a little prayer, and exits out of the room.


William paced back and forth in the hallway nervously cracking his knuckles. "C'mon already what is taking so long?!" William's paitence was growing thin when suddenly the doctor interrupts his thoughts. "IS SHE OKAY! DID EVERYTHING GO GOOD! IS THE BABY FINE?!" William was screaming and shaking the doctor's shoulders to where the doctor's glasses almost fell off. "Calm down Mr.Rivers everything went fine! We had to do an emergency C-Section and the delievery went smoothly!" William was flooded with relief until he heard the doctor clear his throat. "There was a little surprise though and we don't think that you guys were aware of it", the doctor looks in to the room and back at William, "the baby turned out to be....uhm.....BABIES." William has confusion all over his face until he finally realized what the doctor meant. "WHAT?! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THERE ARE TWINS IN THERE?! Oh god what am I going to do we weren't prepared for this!" William nervously ran his fingers through his hair trying to think of what he is going to do. "Does Sophia know?" he asked with worry. "No we had to put her to sleep due to the operation but we will be sure to tell her....." "NO!" William rudely shouted leaving the doctor confused. "I will tell her myself . Hell I'll even fill out the birth certificates and everything without her." The doctor looked at him with worry and just agreed to what he said and handed him the papers. "Now I do want you to know that the twins are boy and girl." William looks up at him with anger in his eyes, "Girl? We can't have that. I'm a military man and I want all sons no daughters. I refuse to take a newborn girl home with me." The doctor is shocked by his reaction and confused of what William was going to do. "Well what do you suggest we do with her then sir?" William thought for a moment. After five minutes of silence he finally spoke up, "I'll give her up for adoption. Have another family raise and take care of her because she is unwanted in my family." William looks down at the papers he was signing thinking about what he just said. The doctor just sighed and nodded his head. Soon the doctor left to leave William alone to finish signing papers. "What should their names be? Hmm? OH! The boy's name could be Eric Canann Rivers. Now for the gril," he thought long and hard about this one, "Erica Bree Rivers. Perfect." William signed his name at the bottom of the paper, officially giving his own daughter away to another family. "I really hope this is the right choice." William sighed, got up from his chair, wallked into the room and gave the doctors his papers. 


~Author's Note~

Hey my fellow readers! I know really long proluge -__- But I really wanted to make sure you guys got a good picture of how the story started! I will introduce the twins in the next chapter and I promise the story will get better after this. I'm in school so it's going to be reallt hard for me to update so I promise to try and update at least every other day >.< This is my first story so please comment on what you think so far and if you guys got any suggestions let me know! Alright please keep reading because I want to know if I should continue it or not! Thank you guys for reading and I'll update soon! I love you byeee!!<3333

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