Chapter Two: My Hero

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*Erica's P.O.V*

I have been showing Eric around the school ALL DAY that I soon began to feel like a tour guide. He was very quite though the whole time we were walking and I was worried there was something wrong. "Everything alright there buddy?" I guess he didn't hear so I nudge him in the arm. "Oh...uhm...yeah everything's fine! I'm stuff." I just giggle quietly to myself because I thought it was so cute for him to be this nervous around me! "Okay! Well while you're looking at stuff I'm going to go grab some food. You hungry?" He rapidly shook his head and started running towards the cafeteria like a little kid running to a candy store. This lunch ought-a be fun.


"EWWWW! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Eric screamed at me while looking at my food. At first I felt offended but then I realized what he was talking about. I looked down at my plate of spaghetti and seen that there was a HAIR in my meatballs! "Oh my god that's disgusting! I think I might I'm going to be sick!" I pushed my plate away from me because it made me gag to much. "I'll take care of it for you," Eric said in a heroic voice. I laughed at his stupidity and watched him as he walked over to the lunch lady to show her a piece of his mind. "Hey there pretty lady?" My thoughts got interrupted when I heard a very low husky and mean tone voice, I knew who this was. "What do you want Tyler?" Tyler is my ex boyfriend and I truly hated him to death! We broke up because he was to controlling and loved sleeping around with other girls. "I just wanted to come by and say hello to one of my beautiful friends," He put his hand on my leg. I started getting scared and was praying that Eric would get back soon. "Tyler please don't. I told you we are never getting back together! I don't care how good you look or how many things you do for me I will never date you again alright?! Now fuck off!" I saw Tyler's jaw tense up and I knew I was beginning to piss him off. "Now baby please don't be like that. You know you still love me, plus no one can make you as happy as I can make you happy." He started moving is hand higher up my dress and was very near to wear I didn't want him touching me. I slapped his hand away but that was no use. He grabbed my wrist and held them down while trying to lean in a get a kiss from me. "Oh god! Why does this happen to me?!" I was prepared for what horrible thing was about to happen to me when I suddenly felt Tyler's touch get lighter and his presence disappear.

*Eric's P.O.V*

"And this time make the shit less hairy would ya?!" I was pissed that someone had ruined Erica's food so I didn't care what came out my mouth. This grungy old lunch lady came back with a plate of spaghetti and handed to me. I smile slightly at her and she just grunted, I probably made her mad but who cares. I was walking back to the table when I saw this big guy holding Erica down and trying to kiss her, and by the looks of it she wasn't enjoying it. I set the plate down and began running towards their location. I got there just in time before he kissed her and I yanked him off of her so that he fell to the floor. "And who the fuck do you think you are?!" He screamed while getting off the ground. "I'm Erica's friend and I didn't like the way you were treating her so I snatched you off of her!" I was getting mad now. "Aweh look at you trying to save your little girlfriend! Isn't that so cute! Well look here bud she's my bitch so I think you should just...." WHAM! My right fist hooked with his left cheek and he feel to the floor groaning in pain. "Don't. You. Ever. Call. Her. A. BITCH!" With every word I was just pounding his face in until he bled, but that didn't stop me. A whole bunch of kids were surrounding us and cheering me on to keep punching him. Right before I could knock him out I felt strong hands lift me off the ground an carry me out the cafeteria. "You're going to the principal's office young man!" Oh great. I knew I was in deep shit now.


After being in the principal's office for like two hours I was finally let out. "Thank you for you time Mr.Rivers" I nodded at the old man and walked out the door. "Hey! What happened? Are you suspended? Is Tyler dead? Did he get suspended? Your okay right?!" I was startled by all of Erica's questions and I just laughed at each one because she was so worried. "Whoa calm down there partner! I'm not suspended because I told Mr.Wilson what Tyler was doing to you and that I was fighting to defend you. Tyler isn't dead even though I wish he was. And yes he got suspended." She was jumping up and down squealing like a little school girl. "YAY YAY YAY! I'm so happy you get to stay!!" With that last word she wrapped her arms around me and began squeezing tightly. I could feel my face beginning to heat up and I didn't know what to do. "Well aren't ya gonna hug back?!" I looked down into her gorgeous green eyes and nodded slightly. "Here goes nothing," I thought to myself. I wrapped my arms around her waist and began squeezing tightly. I felt my heart beating out of my chest, my stomach turning in circles, and my body feeling weak. This wasn't no ordinary hug and no girl has ever made me feel this way before. We stood there hugging for like three minutes when we heard the dismissal bell ring. "Oh yeah I think we should probably get going." You could hear the awkwardness in her voice and it made her even more adorable. I nodded my head and we began walking towards the doors.

"Well I had a really fun time showing you around the school today! I really hope we can hang a lot more now." Erica innocently said with a bright smile on her face. "Oh no problem we can defiantly hang again! Uhm.." I started feeling nervous because I didn't want to ask her the question I wanted to ask her but I loosened up and asked her. "Can I have your number maybe so we can talk and make plans to hang out?" She was quiet at first and I was scared I made a dumb decision. She looked me in the eyes an smiled, "For sure! I thought you never asked!" I felt relief flood over me as we exchanged numbers. HONK! HONK! I looked over to see a black BMW sitting in the parking lot. "Oh well my dad's here so text me whenever and I'll see you tomorrow!" She was walking away and waving goodbye before I quickly grabbed her arm. "I forgot to tell you that I'm really sorry about what happened today. I didn't want you to see me like that and I promise you I'm not a violent person." She giggled quietly and smiled up at me. "Eric you're fine. I'm actually happy you did that because no one else would have. I rather you show me your violent side then be a wuss and let another man hurt a girl. Thank you so much Eric Rivers. You're my hero." She stood on her tippy toes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She waved one last time before walking to her car and driving off. "Her hero? I'm her hero?!" I was happily whispering to myself and I rubbed my cheek to make sure what just happened wasn't a fairy tale. It wasn't. I picked my backpack up and waited for my dad to come and get me. I don't know what it is about Erica but I feel like there's this special connection between us already. I don't know what kind of connection it is but there was certainly one there. All I know is that Erica is a very special girl. No one has ever made me feel this way. No one has ever made me smile this much. I knew I had to have her. I know that I have to make Erica mine.


*Author's Note*

Hey guys! Do you like the story so far?😊 Sorry for not updating on Friday I had a busy weekend but be happy I updated today! There will be another update on Tuesday so stay tuned! Also it's not much but I have 14 reads on this so far and I just want to thank those people oh so much! Please keep reading, vote, fan, and comment on what you think so far! I love you guys and thanks for reading!❤

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