Chapter One: First Day Of School

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(18 years later)

*Eric's P.O.V.*

"MR.RIVERS FRONT AND CENTER!", I hear my obnoxious father screaming. Even though I am happy he is a military man I wish he didn't have to use that loud voice at home. I roll over on my stomach and pull the covers over my head so I could fall back asleep.....but that was no use. "I. SAID. GET. UP!" With that last word my father rips the covers off of me making me jump out of my bed full awake now. "ALRIGHT GEEZ I'M UP!' My father has this devilish grin on his face as if he's happy he accomplished to torture me. It's Monday morning and my first day at a new highschool. Me and my family just moved to the oh so wonderful state of California because my father has some military training to do here. I wasn't all that happy to leave my hometown Iowa but hey everyone needs a change right? I took a long sigh and began walking over to my mirror to see how decent I looked. "God I looked terrible," I whispered to myself. My silky black hair was matted to my head, my once emerald green eyes were blood shot red from lack of sleep, and my pajamas were all twisted and bundled up on my body. While looking at myself in disgust my mother interuppted my thoughts, "Honey you have to hurry up and get ready or you're going to be late on your first day!" She exited the room and I began to pick out an outfit for the day. After a good hour of me getting cleaned up I was finally ready to go. I ddin't wear anything special though. Just some black sknnies, a batman logo t-shirt, some black converse, and a beanie. I took one last look at myself in the mirror before heading downstairs.

I could smell the aroma of bacon and eggs when I reached the bottom step of my stairs. "Your going to eat breakfast here hun?" I looked over at my mom and I could tell by the sweat on her face she has been cooking all morning. I shook my head, "No mom. I'm just going to grab a poptart and head out to the car. I think dad's waiting for me." She just shrugged her shoulders and went back to cooking. I don't know why but I did NOT feel like going to school today. Usually I am really excited and happy to go see all my friends but then I soon realized.....I'm not in Iowa anymore. I slowly dragged my feet over to the chair and grabbed my backpack and my keys. Right before I walked out the door my mother came to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Have fun today! Remember don't be so shy to talk to people! I really think you can make some cool friends here!" I slightly smiled at her and walked out of the house thinking about what she just said. My dad was already in the car and had it running, I guess he was in a hurry for some reason. "Come on son I have to be at training in thirty minutes! I can't be late!" I jogged over to the passenger side and got in. I was buckling my seat belt when my father asked me a question, "You excited to go?" I layed my head on the window and rolled my eyes, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." With that my father drove off.


My dad pulled up in front of the school and patted my back, "I hope you have a good day son. Stay  focused and make new friends." Why does my parents keep telling me that? Don't they realize I'm not happy being here and I don't want to make new friends?! I like my old friends and I wish I was with them now. I nodded my head at him and got out of the car. He drove off seconds later and I stared up at my new high school. "Sunny Oaks High" is what the sign read. I took a long deep breath, closed my eyes, and began walking up to the front doors.

I walked into my classroom and all the kids were running around, throwing paper, talking, laughing, some were wrestling, the room was like a wild jungle! A group of what seemed like the preppy kids stared at me was I walked to my seat. "OOOO he's kinda of cute!" I heard a cheerleader say. "Hey who's the new kid? He looks like a dork!" an obviously not bright jock said to his friend. They gave each other a high five and began laughing like idiots, I just rolled my eyes and sat down until announcements came on. "GOOOOOOOD MORNING SUNNY OAKS HIGH! Welcome back to school! I really hoped you guys enjoyed your summer break!" The class went into an uproar of shouting and cheering when the princible said that on the intercom. Announcements took at least five minutes to go off but when it did I couldn't be any happier. I don't see how anyone could be this happy on a Monday morning, ecspecially right after summer break. The teacher did attendance and asked everyone to stand up and say something about themselves and what they did this summer. Majority of the people went out of the country for summer break. Another half said they did nothing all break. And the rest were just saying ridiculous things that I didn't even listen. Soon it was my turn. I slowy stood up and began my little "introduction". "Hi my name's Eric Rivers. I'm new here and I came all the way from Iowa," Oh great you could tell I was nervous. "This summer I didn't do much but help my family move here to California and I skateboarded everyday. My father's a military man and my mom's a stay home and work kind of woman." I didn't have much to say and I began to feel awkward as all the people blankly stared at me. "Alright thank you Mr.Rivers and welcome to Sunny Oaks. You may now take your seat." the teacher said and I did as he asked. "Alright who's next?" the teacher asked while looking around the room. "I am", some girl quietly said. I looked over to my right to see a girl with long jet black hair, peircing green eyes, and a lime green floral dress on. She had fair but tanned skin so you could tell she was outside a lot during the summer. I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she was so I just awed in her presence. "Ah yes Ms.Mason go ahead and stand up and tell us about yourself. She stood up and straightened her dress and began talking. "Hiya! My name's Erica Mason as a lot of you may already know. I love to tan and hang with my friends. This summer I played volleyball with my friends and spent time with my wonderful family." A couple minutes went by and she was finished introducing herself and sat down. "Thank you Ms.Mason! Now time for today's lesson everyone get out your books and a pencil." After the teachers instructions everyone groaned and whined but did as he asked. "Shit!" I silently cursed to myself because I soon realized I forgot to grab a pencil this morning. "Hey you need to borrow a pen?" I looked over to see that Erica was talking to me and handing me a pen to write with. "Uuh...uhm....sure. Thanks I guess." Thanks I guess?! God I'm such an idiot when it came to talking to a girl. She giggled, "Your welcome! And hey since your new I can show you around school and help you out a little! Sounds like a deal?" Her angelic voice just kept swirling around in my head before I finally answered, "Uhm...YEAH! I mean...that would be great haha." I really hope she can't tell how nervous I am because I'm about to freak out. She giggled again, "Cool sounds great! And hey you should really loosen up a bit! You're a lot cuter when you aren't nervous!" She turned back around in her seat and began on her assignment. Cute? Did she just say I was CUTE?! A little smile formed on my face while thinking about the amazing moment that just happened seconds before. I picked up the pen and began doing my work. I never thought I would say this but I am actually happy to be at school now. Not because I made a new friend. But because my new friend was the one and only beautiful Erica Mason.

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