Chapter Three: Making Plans

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*Eric's P.O.V*

"I'M HOME!!" I shouted as I slammed the door and walked in. I threw my backpack on the couch and kicked my shoes off. "I SAID I'M HOME!" No answer. "HEELLLOOO!" Still no answer. I began to worry because I had no idea where my mom could be at this time of day. I walked over into the kitchen to grab a drink when I seen a note on the fridge.

"Went grocery shopping! Be back in 15 minutes. There's a sandwich in the fridge if you get hungry! Love you honey!


I sighed and just threw the note away in the trash. I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. "Stupid. Seen it. Dumb. Oh this looks go....never mind. Stupid. The guy dies at the end. Seen it" That's all that was going through my mind as I flicked through channels. I finally found a movie I could watch and keep me busy until my parents came home.


The movie was over and I heard a knock o the door. "Coming!" I shouted as I jogged over to answer it. When I opened it I saw my mom with a bunch of groceries in her arms and they looked like they were about to break. "I thought you said only 15 minutes mom" I had my arms crossed and tapping my foot as if I was the parents and she was the child who broke their curfew. "I know! But there were so many things on sale and I just had to get them!" I rolled my eyes at her and smiled as I took the bags out of her arms. "So how was first day at school?" I was shocked that she asked about my day because usually she didn't care. "Oh it was just AMAZING! In first hour we had introduce ourselves and say what we did over the summer. Then this BEAUTIFUL girl who sat next to me offered to help me around the school." My mom's smile was from ear to ear. "Then it came around lunch time and I had to yell at the lunch lady because there was a hair in my friend's food. When I came back to the table though there was this guy bothering my friend so I uhh.....uh....uhm." My mom's smile started to fade, "Well spit it out!" I sighed and answered, "I got into a fight with the dude." Yup. She's pissed now. "WHAT?! A FIGHT?! ERIC CANNAN RIVERS! IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL AND YOUR'E ALREADY FIGHTING?? OH BOY WHEN YOUR FATHER HEARS ABO...." "Mom calm down! I didn't get in trouble. I was defending my friend so the other guy got suspended and I got off the hook." I could see my mom's breathing calm down a bit and she just nodded at me. My mom walked over to the sink to get a drink of water because I guess her throat was dry from yelling at me. "So what's your friend's name?" I shyly looked at the ground and smiled. "Erica. Erica Mason. She's the most beautiful girl I think I have ever seen and he even gave me her number so we could hang out!" I looked over to see my mom spitting water all over the floor. "Mom are you okay?!" I screamed while patting her back. "Yeah I'm fine I just though I heard you say Erica Mason because if you did that would be ridiculous!" She looked at me with worry in her eyes. "I did say that. Why do you know her or something?" My mom shook her head, "I must be thinking about somebody else. My apologies." She walked to the fridge to start cooking dinner. I just shrugged everything off when I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and pressed the unlock button to see who it was. I seen that I had got a text.....from Erica.

*Erica's P.O.V*

"I don't think I can do this. What am I talking about I'm never nervous! What if he doesn't text back?! That's impossible he would love to talk to me!" I was pacing back and forth in my room wondering if I should text Eric or not to make plans with him. "Come on Erica. All you have to do is scroll to his name, press send text message, type whatever you have to say, and push send! Easy right?" Nope. I started banging my head on the wall over and over to help me clear my thoughts. "THAT'S IT! I'm going to do it!" I plopped down on my bed and reached over to the dresser to grab my phone. My hands were shaking as I scrolled down the list to find his name. There it is. Eric❤ was what his name was under. I know cheesy but I really liked the kid. "Well here goes nothing."

*Eric's P.O.V*

Whoa she's texting me! Oh god I hope I didn't do anything wrong! I looked down at the screen.

From: Erica😍 To:Eric

Hey Eric! I know this is a little soon isn't it?😣 Well I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out on Saturday? You know go to the park or something?(:

I just stared at the message in complete shock. "I can't believe she's asking me first!" I whispered to myself. You thought I was nervous at first? Well oh boy am I over flowing with nervousness now! "Okay Eric breathe. You're probably holding her up text her back already!" I cleared my thoughts and began typing.

To: Erica😍 From:Eric

Uhm YEAH! That would be awesome! We could defiantly go to the park. Around 5-ish?(:

From: Erica😍 To:Eric

Yeah! Sounds like a deal to me! See ya around(: Bye Eric!

To: Erica😍 From:Eric

Great! See ya then! Bye Erica!(:

Wow. I couldn't believe it. Everything is going so perfectly it's almost like a dream. I pinched myself and sure enough it wasn't a dream! I sat the phone down on the table and walked back over to the couch. As I laid there I kept wondering how the day is going to go. God I couldn't wait. "Foods done Eric! Come and eat!" My mom interrupted my thoughts. "Alright!" I hopped off the couch and ran to the kitchen with the biggest smile on my face. "What are you so happy about mister?" My mom looked at me while setting my plate down. "Erica" was the only word I could say because I was so speechless. My mom smiled and sat down to eat. For the rest of the day I just kept thinking about Erica and how perfect life is going for me right now.


*Author's Note*

AWEHH! Aren't they just the cutest?!(: So what do you guys think about the story so far? I got 23 reads on it so far and it makes me happy everyday to know that there are actually people reading my story! XD It would be awesome if you guys vote and fanned me and comment to let me know what you guys think so far! Thank you so much for reading and next chapter will be up on Thursday! Love you guys and thanks again!!😊❤

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