Chapter- 3

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"What the fck?"Those words emitted from Tae's mouth unknowingly seeing it coming closer to him.
The black coloured car swiftly parked beside him and the owner got off from it without any sign that this man faced a surgery to remove a bullet few hours ago. Taehyung can't imagine how he is able to even walk without feeling any pain. Who's gonna tell him that bullets are friends of these people?

Actually it is hard to find out that Jungkook is a mafia. He doesn't have any crew or lot of weapons. With the consecutive losses in missions he gradually became unsuccessful as a leader which made his empire to be broken. But it didn't stop Jungkook at all.He decided to carry out simple missions by himself with the help of his diaper friend. There are two reasons for his continuation. One is he doesn't like to show that he is failed and weak. Second one is he loves to see the fear and hear people's begging which make himself stronger.He is a sort of maniac.

"Kitten!?"Jungkook louldly said feeling amused as the latter stared at him quite a lot of time.Taehyung came to the world with the sound and pink hue decorated his cheeks because of Jungkook's intimidating eyes.Jungkook came closer to him with other's shy reaction and decided to drop another bomb.

"Look at me."He said somewhat authoritatively and that's when Tae wondered why is he acting like a teenage girl. With the boost of energy he got instantly he looked at Jungkook directly making the cold hearted villain startled.

"What? Don't I told you to never come!"He spatted and Jungkook chuckled at the remark.

"Kitten Don't you remember I told that I will come ."Taehyung gulped at the deep voice.

"Again and again."Jungkook whispered the last part. Taehyung pushed him away and began to walk but got halted with the iron grip. Jungkook swiftly pulled the latter and told

"Look at this car!!"Taehyung doesn't even bother to spare a look being stubborn as himself. But Jungkook is not the one to admire this type of behaviour. So he held the latter's chin harshly and forced him to look. Tears pricked because of the pain of holding in Tae's eyes which shrugged off by Jungkook. Jungkook likes it. He likes how this brat became submissive.

"This car will follow you everywhere you go. You can't escape from me."Jungkook said with an evil grin. Taehyung looked at Jungkook with wide eyes. Why he? What is this?

"Now go."Jungkook said somewhat loudly removing his grip from chin while slightly pushing him away. Taehyung froze with the disbelief. What the hell happening around him?

Taehyung nervously sat on the bus seat having a clear idea about the car following behind him.  Taehyung can't remember whether he had did something pissed off the latter. Well...he quarreled with everyone as to why is this not inform to the police and why is he discharging early.Is this because of that?With wobbling legs Tae got off from the bus and walked to the apartment house he shared with his friend. Jungkook didn't enter into the apartment and that made Taehyung to take a breath of relief. Don't need to lie. Taehyung is angry as wella as scared with this new thing. Taehyung entered  the house and quickly went near the window only to see that the particular car is still there. He decided not to go out today. He can't go because literally a man is stalking.

"What are you looking?"Taehyung jumped with the voice heard from behind and placed his hand on his heart.

"Yahhh !!"Taehyung yelled which made Hoseok to roll his eyes.

"Don't tell me. Actually I am not interested anyway."He said and sat on the couch. Taehyung can't keep anything away from Hoseok eventhough may be it will get forgot by Hoseok.Hoseok also knew it better s he secretly smiled when Tae began to whine. Like that Taehyung said everything without even missing what he had for lunch to him.Tae surely knew that this will make Hoseok feel better. This will make him feel important.

As soon as Jimin came home he went to their room to look for Yoongi. He should talk with him. He should teach him how to talk to him in the presence of others. Jimin felt humiliated with the today's events and he can't bear up if this keeps ongoing. Yoongi is not inside the room and Jimin knew surely where to find him. He walked to upstairs and peeped through the Jungkook's room door only to see them chatting. Jimin is really scared of Jungkook since Jungkook chocked him to death where he saved by Jin.Said male is really dangerous to associate. He himself didn't talk with him.more than two words although they are living under the same roof. Jimin decided to go until a familiar name heard from inside.

"I will teach him his place."

"But kook I think this is not needed."

"I need him. I want to play with him a little."Jungkook said with his famous smirk.Jimin widened his eyes feeling worried about his friend.

Next day arrived and we all know where to find Taehyung. He is still in the staff room while Jimin is out in the surgery. Actually Taehyung is waiting for Jimin to come to rant about yesterday patient's mannerless behaviour. Today morning also Tae came to work with a red head seeing the same car following behind. This is more than creepy to him.As soon as the door opened revealing the short male he dragged him to the seat and told about the latest encounter with dark haired male. Jimin hitched realizing the person Taehyung talking about. He should save Taehyung. He should not let him to fall for the mess in which he had already fallen.Taehyung is a person who appeared like strong but his deep soul craves for protection. In this time also Tae is scared and told everything to everyone he knows seeking for help indirectly. Jimin held Tae's hands and said

"Tae.Stay away from him. He is not a good one."

"Jimin.."Taehyung whispered feeling heavy.

"Why? Who is he? Why is he doing this?"Taehyung attaked Jimin with questions in which Jimin decided to answer sincerely.

"I don't know why but you should neglect his every action."Jimin closed his eyes and continued

"He is a mafia leader Tae."

"MAFIA!!!!As a real mafia!!"Tae screamed loudly.

Taehyung is walking towards the nearby shop still in daze. He is not yet off from work but he needed some air to calm himself down. Surprisingly the black car is nowhere to find and Taehyung is more than relieved due to that.During his walk he saw the familiar car parked near the alley. He looked at the mysteriuos area out of curiosity and found the same mannerless man holding a gun towards a person on the road. The whole scenes is covered to public due to the car which is parked to block. Jungkook without any emotion fire the bullet making the other man to tremble in pain. This is the first time Tae faced to this kind of situation. He placed his hand covering the mouth to stop making any noise. He walked slowly away from the scene but someone called him behind.

"Come here!!!"Taehyung is so scared even to turn around so he shaked his head muffling his sobs.

"Come or...."Taehyung cried loudly this time feeling the gun poking on his back.

"Don't make a scene. Come here."Jungkook said slowly and pulled the petit male behind the car.

"You saw this right!?"Jungkook whispered into his ear and forced him to see the dead body. Taehyung protests so much but his grip is strong enough. Taehyung is still crying and muttering

"Let me go."Jungkook chuckled as an evil himself and said

"How can I? You saw this baby!"

Hope you all will enjoy.

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