Chapter - 24

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Double update!!!!Make sure to read the earlier chapter.

Happy 2k+ reads. Actually me and this book doesn't deserve this 😭❤️

⭕Slight mention of self harm⭕

Taehyung and Jungkook is inside the room with a sullen silence. Both of them don't know how to start this conversation. Jungkook's eyes are still on the floor feeling so ashamed to face him. Taehyung kept his hand on other's hand to get his attention. They should not be like this. To Taehyung's surprise Jungkook suddenely hissed in pain and removed Taehyung's hand. With his big eyes Taehyung scanned Jungkook's face to make sure that this is not what he thinks. Jungkook continued to ignore the gaze and stood up to leave. For Jungkook this is too much.

"Jungkook!!"Taehyung called out in which Jungkook slowly whispered

"Let's ta--talk la--ater--r."Taehyung as a doctor can clearly saw Jungkook's mental disability. With a sudden boost energy Taehyung took Jungkook's hand by force and unfolded it to check his arm. Jungkook protested but he is deprived of energy which made him to easily give in.

Taehyung gasped loudly and careressed Jungkook's hand smoothly. His eyes got filled up with tears which made the vision blurry. Taehyung began to hiccup in cries. He never knew Jungkook is repenting , hurting him this much.

"Why Jungkook?"Taehyung asked in between his sobs. Seeing Taehyung's pretty face with tears due to him wekaned Jungkook making him to plopp down on the floor. Taehyung also sat with him. A lone tear escaped from Jungkook feeling so helpless.

"I lo--ove yo-u Tae--ehyung."Jungkook said admist his stuttering.

"I love you too Jungkook."Taehyung muttered while wiping off that tear. Jungkook is not the one to cry.

"No..No..Yo--u are-e saying--gg because--e y-ou pity-y me now--w."Jungkook managed to say those words.

"No Jungkook but before everything you have to go to hospital."Taehyung said still crying. Now Jungkook looks like a lost child.

With those words Jungkook abruptly stood up and shaked his head like madman.


"Jungkook no listen. This is for everyone's happiness."

"NO!!!I'M NOT HAPPY!!YOU ALL WANTED TO GET RID OF ME LIKE THEM!!!But you can't !!I love you."With that Jungkook left the room leaving Taehyung to cry as much as he wants. Jimin is right. Jungkook's condition is worse and it's necessary to take treatments. Jungkook is now loosing himself slowly.

"Take this!!"Jimin gave the fruit juice he made for Yoongi and turned around to leave.

"Why are you still here?"Yoongi asked.

"I know you don't want me. But I have to stay."

"Listen!!!"Yoongi screamed and stood up. He held Jimin by his shoulder and said

"I want you to go away from here for your own happiness Jimin."

"You don't know what my happiness is."

"It's not here Jimin. It's not with me."Yoongi said with his glistening eyes.

"You never asked me!!!I am not going!!"Jimin said while crying. Yoongi still appear as a selfish person although he only thought about Jimin. But did he know what Jimin actually needs?

"Why are you staying??"Yoongi asked.

"For Taehyung!!!"

"For him? What??"

"He is also like me. He caged in this mansion. I don't want him to be like me."

"But Jungkook is here for him!!"Yoongi said in disbelief. He never thought it in this way.

"Jungkook is like you. Both of them are monsters. Don't know how to deal with others."Jimin said in rage.

"Don't talk like that. Jungkook loves Taehyung."Yoongi said. He knows about his friend. Yoongi can swear with his life that Jungkook seriously loves Taehyung. Jimin chuckled and muttered

"Which lover force himself on his lover huh?" Yoongi is too stunned to speak. He let Jimin to carry on.

"Can't you see? Taehyung is not happy here. He used to live happily with Hoseok hyung before he pulled into this menace. How many times Jungkook hurts Taehyung? I told you earlier too. Jungkook needs treatments. He is not in a good condition.He is slowly becoming a psycho.

"Jimin!!Just stop!!It's not like that!!"Yoongi defended.

"You know nothing Yoongi. Taehyung never smiled after he came into this house. His job is also lost. He can't spend time with Hoseok hyung as he wants."

"Hoseok??? Why are you dragging him to everything?"

"They lived together. Taehyung told me that Hoseok loved him."

As soon as those words erupted from Jimin's mouth a vase breaking sound is heard behind them. Both of them flinched and gasped when saw Jungkook.Jungkook's condition is a mess.He is panting heavily and without any word he turned around and went. Jimin and Yoongi both of them sure that Jungkook heard everything. Jimin gulped in fear and looked at Yoongi who is in the same stance.

Jungkook's mind is cloudy. He can't think straight now. Fear of Taehyung leaving him engulfed him to the fullest. Giggling sounds heard from the down floor and Jungkook saw Hoseok is smiling with Lisa. Jungkook tensed seeing it. Another fear came into his mind. What if Hoseok take his sister also away from him? Jungkook looked here and there. His mind is hazy but he decided one thing seeing the knife in the fruit basket. There's one solution for everything. He has to remove Hoseok. Jungkook took the knife and slowly walked towards the giggling duo. He pents up with his emotions. Miseries he faced when he was a child , Taehyung's crying face popped on his mind.

"No Jungkook but before everything you have to go to hospital."

This is for everyone's happiness.

"Jungkook is like you. Both of them are monsters.

"Can't you see? Taehyung is not happy here. He used to live happily with Hoseok hyung before he pulled into this menace. How many times Jungkook hurts Taehyung?

He is slowly becoming a psycho.

Taehyung never smiled after he came into this house.

"They lived together. Taehyung told me that Hoseok loved him."

Can't understand whether Jungkook is sad or angry or regreting. He just wants to end everything and take the control as how it was before.

"Lisa!!Can you turn around?"Jungkook asked with those blank eyes.


"Turn around."Jungkook merely whispered with his intimidating voice.Hoseok just stayed dumbfounded as he never talked with Jungkook before.Jungkook wants to get away from these feelings.Jungkook lifted up the knife having a hope that everything will be alright.He doesn't know why is he doing this. But he is sure that Taehyung will never leave him after that as he has nowhere to go.He is not under his control.

Lisa turned around as a painful sob heard and only thing she saw is red.She trembled heavily and tears gathered in no time.With her wobbling lips she screamed



The story is at the very end.😊

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