Static Vision

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Authors note:

A little context of the situation here, Dominic, aka the child of the Karlnapity ship in the DSMP, ran in with the Overseer while walking in a forest just to try to take his mind off everything. The Overseer made a deal with Dominic, since he couldn't control his powers fully, there's a 'monster' that will go after Dominic within weeks since he'd just recently found out about his shadow-like powers (He has the ability to enter his own realm called the 'shadow realm' which his basically the real world but everything is just a shadow, he can also pop up from any shadow visible to the human eye) and The Overseer can protect him from said monster as long as he makes a deal for him.

Dominic will do the things he is assigned to him from The Overseer and The Overseer will protect him from them this monster that'll kill Domi.

And so,, they agreed and Dominic signed his soul to The Overseer... Weeks later he was sent to a world he'd never seen before.

To carry out his task at hand.

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He didn't know what happened, he just knew that the deal he made with the devil had to cost something.

Dominic stood in a blinding white void of absolute nothingness, but for the occasional glitch of other worlds and timelines, The sound of static buzzing and a familiar yet distant voice calling out to him.

Dominic looked around in paranoia and fear, fear that he never felt before. His tail stood still from this feeling of dread. Whatever voice that called out to him scared the living hell out of him.

"Hello?" He called out, standing there for a moment just to hear if anyone was going to answer.

Nobody did.

He tried calling out again, this time he cupped his hands around his mouth to make his voice sound louder.

"Hello!? Overseer?? Where am I?!" He yelled, his worries getting the best of him now.

Oh god- oh no... Was this part of the deal with the Overseer? Dominic thought.

He'd then groaned softly and looked around. "Well that's just rude if you don't respond to my question... Dumbass." He grumbled to himself and crossed his arms.

He'd soon uncross it since the fabric of his purple jacket felt hotter than it should be.

Dominic started to roam while shouting words to the endless void, ignoring the static noises coming from all around him.

He kept walking for what seemed like forever... his feet started to hurt from roaming in this staticky void. He thought to use his wings to just hover off of the ground so he didn't have to walk with his feet, but that'll just make his wings and back exhausted.

As he kept walking, the static noise grew slightly louder until it came to a complete stop. Dominic looked around, confused. Why did the static stop?

Dominic slowed down to a stop and glanced around before a ticking sound of a grandfather clock came into Donimic's eardrums. The ticking grew louder and louder to the point where it was agonizing.

Dominic covered his ears and whined as he looked down, to where he was a purple, almost black hold started to form from underneath him. Without warning, the black hole sucked Dominic into it and it closed back up.

The ticking stopped, and the static came back. But where did Dominic go?

The Golden Masquerade // Tales from the SMP; Childrens EditionWhere stories live. Discover now