chap 1

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"Prince Nagi" the servant knocked on Nagi's bedroom door, waiting for a response.
"Prince Nagi, the king has requested to see you in the main hall. He requires that you dress in formal wear. We have brought your outfit up."

Nagi groaned as he got up from his bed. He wasn't very fond of mornings, especially when they had an event and he had to get dress in formal attire, it was uncomfortable for him.

"Yeah, yeah. just leave it outside on the rack. I'll pick it up." There was a long pause, "Actually, your father wants you to dress up properly today, including your hair and face. If you don't mind, we'll be coming in to help."

Nagi sighed, it's not like he ever had much choice. The servants entered Nagi's room and began getting him ready. They first had him put on his outfit, and then did his hair. After, they gave him his sword of honour, as they called it, and escorted him to the main hall.

"My son." "Yes father" Nagi had one knee on the ground while he looked down, showing respect to the king. "It's about time you got ready to become the next king." Nagi sighed. He hated when his father talked about this, it was as his father was saying he didn't have much time left. Nagi grunted before he got up. "Yes father" he then bowed, asking for permission to leave, which is father gladly approved to, overjoyed that his son finally agreed to start the training.

Nagi returned to his room and immediately flopped on his bed. Although all he did was go down and come back up. He laid there for a while before he got up and decided to take a stroll in the garden. He usually only does this when he has something on his mind, which in this case was that he was going to get crowned sooner or later this year.

When he arrived out in the garden, he saw Isagi, one of his oldest friends, sitting around on the bench outside the garden.

"Isagi!" Nagi ran over to him. "Nagi! It's been a while, where have you been?" He brought Nagi into a hug, which Nagi wasn't very fond of, but when it came to certain people, he was alright.

"The usual, you know. With my father and everything. Hasn't given me a lot of time to think." Isagi laughs "I see, i see." "Well, what have you been up to." "Well, other then sewing fabrics and making dresses and stuff, Bachira is coming back in 2 days."

Bachira is Isagi's boyfriend, basically. Ever since Isagi laid eyes on him, he just couldn't bare to live without him, But in the end everything turned out alright since Bachira also liked Isagi.

Isagi's parents run a clothing store, the most popular in the town, everyone goes there when they need clothes for a ball or just in general. Isagi helps out with the shop all the time, since his parents are getting old. Bachira and Nagi sometimes spend their afternoons there, when we have nothing to do.

"That must be exciting for you." Isagi smiles, "Of course it is, my boyfriend is coming back after a whole 2 weeks, why would i not be excited?"  Nagi laugh, "Atleast you get to choose who you love. My father is making me have an arranged marriage soon, before i get crowned." Isagi frowns. "Love should be a choice, not forced. Forcing you into an arranged marriage isn't going to help with anything, instead, you guys might separate, without even having a child."

"My mother and father turned out fine. It runs in the family anyways, i shouldn't be the one to break the chain."

"Prince Nagi!" Nagi turns around to see one of his servants standing, waiting. "Oh! Isagi is here too, wonderful!" she claps, "It's time for lunch, would you like to come inside or shall i bring it outside for you both?" she asks. "Outside, please." "Let me help you!" Isagi offers. "No need dear, i may be old but i have muscles like the butchers in the town." Nagi and Isagi laugh.

a/n: i just realized i was a day late for this update, i apologize

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