chap 5

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recap: "Alright. I'll believe you." Isagi said, looking at Reo, "But that doesn't mean i'm going to apologize. Maybe you're a spy from that village." Reo looked at Isagi, dumbfounded, "Are you serious? What is me spying on Nagi gonna do any good to my village?" Reo asked, wanting an answer.

"I can't trust you just yet. I'll believe that your not a spy, but that doesn't mean I trust you fully." Isagi replied. Reo rolled his eyes.


Reo spent the next few days with Nagi, keeping him company while he was in the hospital. Nagi told Reo that he didn't need company, but he also didn't hate it.

"Soooo I heard the doctors talking earlier, you're getting discharged later today." Reo spoke up, while cutting apples for Nagi.

"Thats great. I'll be able to see what's been going on these past couple of days while i've been out." Nagi smiled, but the truth was, he wasn't ready to face his kingdom, not yet. This entire attack was his fault. He couldn't protect his own people.

"Mhm. You don't have to worry about that. Isagi and Bachi? Bachra? I forgot his name, but they've been helping out by providing everyone with fresh clothes and warmth so they don't freeze to death"

Nagi sighed of relief, glad to know at least there was people helping out, "Say, Reo. You're not going back to your village anytime soon, right?" Reo nodded his head, "No, not that I know of yet."

"Then please work as my son's personal bodyguard." Both Reo and Nagi turned their heads towards the door, seeing Nagi's dad, AKA, the king, standing in the doorway.

"Your Majesty..!?" Reo stood up and bowed, "Dad...? I thought you were-"

"Critical condition? Yes he is." The nurse spoke while walking in, "But he kept refusing to stay in bed until he got to see you."

Nagi blushed a bit from embarrassment. "Okay but wait, are you saying you want me to be Prince Nagi's personal....bodyguard..?" Reo asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes, I am, I will offer you whatever you want, whether it's money or to have a higher place in society, as long as you can protect my son, I will give it to you."

"Dad, I don't need a bodyguard, I'm perfectly capable of handling and protecting myself." Nagi interrupted. "I know, my son, but I can't help but worry about you every time I'm away from you. Please, if you get a bodyguard, it will put my mind at ease."

Nagi turned to look towards Reo, "So? What do you think?" Reo looked at Nagi, "Well, I mean, don't you guys already have guards? Why does it have to be me?"

"I see it in you, I know you can protect my son. I know you would risk your life for him." The king said.

Reo paused. He thought for a moment.

"I can't decline such an offer from the king now, can I?" Reo chuckled. Nagi smiled, letting out a small giggle. The king also smiled as he thanked Reo before he was dragged out by the nurse.

"Wow. Me your bodyguard, who knew this was gonna happen." Reo flopped back onto his chair, staring at the ceiling. "Do I have to go through any training regimens?" Reo asked, looking at Nagi.

Nagi shook his head, "I don't think they'll have you go through training considering you're already pretty skilled in swordsmanship."

"Nagi Seishiro?" A voice came from outside Nagi's hospital room door.

"That's me. Come in." The door slid open, revealing the doctor. "It's been a bit. How are you feeling now?" The doctor asked as he shut the door.

"Better. I can move my joints perfectly fine now. I think my concussion and sprained wrist are good now too. I feel fine." Nagi said while rolling his arms in circles.

"That's good to hear." The doctor said, looking up from his clipboard, "We'll just have to run a few tests on you, otherwise we'll process your discharge." The doctor smiled before he left the room, sending a nurse in a few minutes later.

The nurse requested that Reo exited the room while the tests were being ran. Reo agreed and stepped outside. He was met by an angry Chigiri.

"What are you doing, Reo? Have you lose your mind?" Reo tilted his head in confusion.

"What was going through your head when you accepted to be the princes bodyguard? Are you insane?" Chigiri grabbed Reo by the shoulders, gripping tightly.

"Calm down, it's not that big of a deal." Reo replied, while trying to loosen his shoulders from Chigiri's grasp.

"Not a big deal? It's a huge deal! One tiny mistake and you'll be executed. How do you expect me to bring that news to your mother!!" Chigiri was furious.

"Sir, this a hospital. Please be quiet." A nurse walked up to them. "They're patients on this floor who are trying to rest. If you continue this, I'll have no choice but to call security. Please refrain from such actions."

Chigiri let go of Reo as they both headed towards the elevator, and outside.

"Chigiri, what did you mean about being executed?" Reo asked.

"The king is known for executing his guards who don't follow the rules, either beheading them, or brutally torturing them to death. I don't want you to end up like them." Chigiri said, quietly.

"I understand that, but I'm prince Nagi's guard, and I'm sure he wouldn't that. He's a kind person." Reo said looking at Chigiri. Ever since Reo met Chigiri earlier today, he's had a look of uneasiness on his face. Reo reassured Chigiri that he wouldn't die before Chigiri left off back to the village, and Reo went back to Nagi's hospital room.

hihi. the last time i uploaded was 3 months ago, not bad for me.
sorry i've been inactive. although i uploaded in march, that was because spring break was ongoing at the time, after that, school had started up again.
since it was the last semester, i had to focus on my grades and tests and upcoming assignments, since last semester is usually the hardest in my opinion
i didn't have much time to write, so apologies for that.
now that it's summer break, i cannot guarantee that there will be more updates, i might go on vacation during august too. as for july, i'm honestly just sitting home this month, but not sure if i'm gonna write a lot.

anywayssss, i hope u guys have been well. sorry this chapter is a bit short, promise u next one will be longer !!

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