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That day same day, General Mitchell Howard immediately went a Research Lab to have a word with Dr. Albert Armstrong.

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He found the busy doctor in-front of his desk while operating various computers.

The General walks towards Armstrong and puts a hand on his shoulder, "Doctor.".

Dr. Armstrong glanced for second and just continued, "General. What brings you here?".

"We have another job at hand.", Howard seriously stated. "They want it carried out. ASAP.".

Dr. Armstrong momentarily stopped and sighed, "There's always an order after order after order. What else is new?".

"Councilman Sullivan wants to know when will the children's 'Subjugation' begin?"

Dr. Armstrong just shook his head in frustration, "The chemicals are tested and prepared. The experiment may start whenever the hell he wants. I'll just send the data on your account. You tell him.".

"Good.", smirked and nodded Howard. "I've heard about your little experiment with Stern and the children. You two must be really fond of those brats, specially that Griffin one.".

"Well, we still have much to learn and discover from her.".

General Howard out of nowhere stated a warning, "Know your boundaries, doctor. Don't get too attached. Do you understand?".

Dr. Albert Armstrong without a word, just stared directly and slowly nodded. General Howard again looks around the lab and personnel before leaving the premises.

"Bastards.", Dr. Armstrong whispers.


General Mitchell Howard went straight to THE PALACE to meet the councilman, Cornelius Sullivan in a luxurious room.

General Mitchell Howard went straight to THE PALACE to meet the councilman, Cornelius Sullivan in a luxurious room

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