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Author's POV

Sunoo and Aera had known each other since birth, thanks to their parents who were best friends. They had grown up together, attended the same schools and they often got together for family gatherings. On this particular day, they had all decided to go on a picnic in the park.

As they spread out their blankets and set up their food, Sunoo's mom and Aera's mom chatted about their kids.

"I can't believe how grown up they are now," Sunoo's mom said, watching as Sunoo and Aera played frisbee nearby.

"I know," Aera's mom replied.

"It seems like just yesterday they were crawling around on the floor together."

Sunghoon and Namra, Sunoo and Aera's best friends respectively, were also there, and they were teasing Sunoo about his crush on Aera.

"Hey, Sunoo, when are you going to finally tell Aera how you feel?" Namra joked.

Sunoo blushed, feeling embarrassed. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, trying to play it cool.

But Aera had overheard their conversation, and she couldn't help feeling a flutter in her chest.

 Did Sunoo really like her?

As the day went on, Sunoo and Aera found themselves sitting together, watching the sunset. They talked about everything and nothing, feeling a connection that they couldn't explain. As the families packed up their things and got ready to leave, Sunoo's mom and Aera's mom exchanged knowing looks. They had a feeling that something special was brewing between their kids, and they couldn't wait to see what would happen next.




(A/N: Short but sweet first chapter...do you guys find the story interesting??)

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