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Aera POV

I was waiting outside the college cafeteria for Namra and Hyejoon to arrive. As soon as they showed up, I greeted them.

"Hey guys! How are you both doing today?" I asked.

"Hey Aera! I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about you?" Namra replied.

"I'm feeling pretty good today," I said, smiling. "How about you, Hyejoon?"

"I'm feeling a bit tired and my back hurts a little bit, but I'm doing okay," Hyejoon answered, looking a little worn out.

"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Hyejoon," I said sympathetically. "Do you want to take it easy today?"

"That would be great, thanks Aera," Hyejoon replied with relief.

We all walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. I made sure Hyejoon had enough space to stretch out her legs and rest comfortably.

"So, what do you guys want to do today? We could go for a walk around campus or grab some lunch at the food trucks," I suggested.

"I think a walk would be nice, but we'll have to take it slow," Hyejoon said, looking up at us.

"Of course, we'll go at your pace, Hyejoon," Namra said reassuringly.

As we walked, we chatted and caught up with each other. Every so often, I asked Hyejoon how she was feeling and if she needed a break.

"Hey Hyejoon, how's your energy level? Do you need to take a rest?" I asked.

"I'm okay for now, but thanks for asking Aera," Hyejoon replied gratefully.

"Yeah, we don't want to overexert you," Namra chimed in.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. You're such great friends," Hyejoon said with a small smile.

"Of course Hyejoon, we're here for you no matter what," I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

 "Yeah, we're all in this together," Namra added.

Hyejoon put her hand on her belly and smiled.

"I feel so grateful to have you guys and this little one on the way. You make everything so much better," Hyejoon said, her face lighting up.

We continued our walk, taking it easy and enjoying the beautiful day. It was nice to spend time with my friends and support Hyejoon during this special time in her life.

Time skip

Aera POV

Namra and I had been taking good care of our friend, Hyejoon, throughout her pregnancy. We had grown even closer during this time, and we were excited to welcome the new addition to our group. 

But then one day, I received a call from Hyejoon's family saying that she was in the hospital and things weren't looking good. I was terrified and immediately called Namra to come with me. We rushed to the hospital as fast as we could.

When we arrived, we saw Hyejoon's family, and they looked so distraught. They told us that Hyejoon had had a miscarriage and was in critical condition. I was in shock and didn't know what to say.

We went to Hyejoon's hospital room and found her lying in the bed, looking weak and pale. I held her hand and tried to comfort her, telling her that everything would be okay. Namra did the same, but we could see the pain in her eyes.

As the days passed, Hyejoon's condition worsened. The doctors and nurses did everything they could, but it was no use. One day, we were told that Hyejoon had passed away due to complications from the miscarriage.

Namra and I were devastated. We had lost someone we cared about deeply, and it was hard to come to terms with the fact that she was gone. "How could this happen?" I asked Namra, tears streaming down my face.

"I don't know," Namra replied, hugging me tightly. "It's just not fair. We were all so excited for the baby, and now this..."

We stayed at the hospital for a while longer, trying to process our emotions. We talked to Hyejoon's family, but it was hard to find words that could make them feel better. Eventually, we knew we had to go home.

In the days that followed, Namra and I tried to find ways to honour Hyejoon's memory. We talked about her often, sharing our memories of her, and it brought us some comfort knowing that we had been there for her during her pregnancy.

"I can't believe she's gone," I said to Namra, tears still streaming down my face.

"I know," Namra replied, holding my hand. 

"It's so unfair. She was so young and had so much life ahead of her."

"I just can't stop thinking about how we were all so excited for the baby," I said. "And now there's no baby, and we've lost Hyejoon too."

"I know," Namra said. "But we have to remember that we did everything we could for her. We were there for her during her pregnancy, and we made her feel loved and supported."

"I just wish we could have done more," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"We did everything we could, Aera," Namra said, squeezing my hand. "Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to. But we have to keep going and honor Hyejoon's memory."

"You're right," I said, wiping away my tears. "We have to find a way to honor her memory and keep her spirit alive."

"We could plant a tree in her memory," Namra suggested. "Or make a donation to a charity in her name."

"That's a good idea," I said, feeling a small glimmer of hope. "Let's do both. And let's also make sure we never forget the beautiful person that Hyejoon was."

Namra nodded, and we hugged each other tightly, trying to find comfort in our shared grief. Despite the pain and heartbreak, we knew we would always cherish the memories we had of our dear friend.

Though we decide all of this, I can't even begin to describe the overwhelming sadness and grief that I felt when we lost Hyejoon. It was like a part of me had been ripped away. I had been so excited for her pregnancy, and now the thought of the baby that we were all eagerly anticipating was too painful to bear.

Namra and I had done everything we could to support her, but it just wasn't enough. I felt like we had failed her in some way, like we could have done more to save her. But the truth is, we were powerless to stop what happened.

I will always remember the time we spent together during Hyejoon's pregnancy, and I will always cherish the memories we made. But the pain of her loss is something that I know will stay with me for a long time. 

After all of this I can never forgive you, KIM SUNOO! You are the reason this world has lost two pure souls. I never expected you to change so much. You were so different as a child. All you could say that day was "sorry"?!




(A/N: Life is so unfair sometimes. TT)

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