| 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗼 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 (𝗺)

557 10 15

My eyes used to see pitch black, but after some time sunlight entered my vision. This was when my eyes were closed. I was unaware. I needed change in my life, and Yeonjun was the biggest one, and I never realised that.

"Ugh fuck, my back." I hear a voice whisper in my ear, a body moving underneath. Startled, I look back to see Yeonjun wincing in pain. "Soobin can you move a bit? Look at our messy position." He smirks looking down at me. "Yah! Pervert!!" Although, I do look back to see our position. I'm nested between his legs, back against chest. Ear to mouth, hands claiming waist. I did call Yeonjun a pervert, although I liked the attention. I used to get filthy thoughts all the time, god did they only get stronger. "Wait, what the fuck are you doing here? I told you to go to sleep!" I jump out from the space inbetween his legs and immediately switch to my bitchy mood. "Baby don't swear at me, I don't like it." His eyes gloss, a genuine look of sadness and desperation. I liked it. "That doesn't answer my question." I sternly say crouching infront of him, glaring him down. I feel the tension but will I treat it? No, of course not. "Bin, I love you so much. I chased you down because I love you. I couldn't sleep possibly knowing you could've went to see So-won. She likes you, so she tried to break us up. I only said what was in the video, because something felt off and I was scared that if Seo-Ah knew I truly love you, she would be weirded out. I've been so jealous, everytime you see So-won I lose my mind. My love for you is ineffable, please listen and forgive me." Wow, this was alot of information and begging. It sparked something in me, he wants me. He loves me. I smirk, and stand up, Yeonjun tugs on my pants from below, "Have you forgiven me Bin?" He pleads with his eyes, and I offer my hand out. Obviously he grabs it and helps himself up, wincing in pain. "Get on my back." The sudden command startles Yeonjun but he climbs onto my back regardless. "Do you accept my apology?" He once again questions, mans getting on my nerves.

So, I carried Yeonjun until we got a taxi, he constantly touched me asking for answers. He's recently been getting better at patience. My sessions with him have worked I guess, but I need him to get impatient. I want to tease him until he fu- "Soobin. Will you answer me?" I can feel his tone dropping, I feel the tension strengthen, but I can't give in, It's hard to ignore his pleading eyes. "You don't seem right today."

When we enter the house, I go to our room and quickly change into shorts and one of Yeonjuns shirts, which looked bigger on me. I flop onto the bed, exhausted, suddenly remembering my plan. Abruptly the door bursts open, Yeonjun looking like he saw a ghost. "I want you." He says. "What?" I smile, teasingly bringing myself up, walking towards him and finally placing my hands on him. "I want you so bad, Soobin." He states in shame, dropping to his knees. "I want to feel you clawing at my back as I-" Before he could carry on, I recieve a rope from my draw and tie Yeonjuns hands. "Before any of that, I want to have fun." He looks up at me with demanding lustful eyes.

"Soobin, did you forget I'm the dominant one here?"

"No hyung. I'll let you take me in a bit."

"I won't go easy on you."

"Do you want my forgiveness, hyung?"


"Okay, I forgive you. Now behave."

"Hey, is that my shir-"

I bend down and cut him off with a kiss. Short and snappy. He breathes heavily when I trace my fingers around his body, (When Yeonjun ran in he was shirtless) whimpering at every touch. "Do you want me, hyung? Do you really want me?" I giggle at his desperation. Yeonjun looks up at me, drool leaking out of his mouth, and dark eyes. "Untie me, I need to ruin you." I scoff and sit down on his lap. "That's not happening." He groans when I move. "You're cute when you're desperate." I touch him around the abdomen, hearing loud grunts, clearly a weakspot. "Interesting weakspot, Yeonjun." I continue rubbing circles around the abdomen until I hear a snap. Oh shit. I feel a pair of stiff hands squeeze my waist. "I liked the act you put on, but it's my turn." He then lifts me up, as I start to lick and bite his chest and neck. Pushing me onto the bed, I drag his face down for a messy kiss. Angling to feel eachother. Marking eachother. Pleasing eachother.

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