The Fighter

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When we walked into the classroom Solis dropped our hands, grabbed a folder from the cabinet and found a seat. Effortlessly she said hello to almost everyone, I gulped. This was Solis' scene, the whole school was her turf.
"Yugi, I'm starting to think we should have stayed upstairs." Mokuba whispered and I nodded. It was then that Solis rejoined us.
"Sorry guys. I know a lot of people." The high school junior smiled, "Come on." She brought us over to a woman slightly shorter than Solis. The woman's hair was raven black and fell in lose waves to her shoulders, impeccably dressed, who ever she was not someone to tangle with.
"Hello Mrs. Rushford."
"Solis. What's up?" Mrs. Rushford asked. 
"I believe I have found two new students." Solis gestured at us.
"Ah I wondered when we would see them." Mrs. Rushford started discussing chorus stuff and Solis slipped off to her classmates. The two of us were given our own chairs and folders. Looking around I watched Solis as she laughed with her friends. 
"Hey Hedgehog." Someone said The boy was tall and seemed more grown up then most. At least physically, the rest not so much. It was then I was given a mess of light blonde streaked with blue and purple to stare at, Solis had come between us.

"Back off Jacob."  Her voice was low and cold.
"What are you going to do?" Jacob asked. 
"I lost one friend this way and I will not lose more." She hissed. "Stay away from them." Some of Jacob's friends swooped in to see him and Solis turned on her heels. 
"I vowed no harm and yet I failed once." She muttered. As class commenced I learned Solis was talented, her voice was rich and bright. The girl next to her with bright red hair was awful and clearly frustrating Solis. I watched as tears silently made their way down her face. When she caught my eyes, She immediately looked away and wiped her eyes.
"It will be okay Solis." I whispered. "I promise."
Class ended and Solis tore from the room and Mokuba and I ran to catch up.
"Are you alright?" I asked slightly winded. 
"Fine, come we will be late." She snapped. Mokuba had geometry and I gave him a small smile, "We'll be back." I promised. Solis and I then headed to Algebra Two. When I sat down, I stole a glance at Solis, she was rubbing her left wrist. I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote:


Then I shoved it on to her desk. I received it back with elegant scrawl.


We went back and forth for a bit.

Did something happen?
A lot happened before you came Yugi.
Are you willing to talk about it?
You're the first to ask. I'm what they call a split soul.
Oh I never heard of it, I'm sorry.
It's alright, when you spend your life fighting it happens.
Fighting for what?

I breathed deeply at Solis' single word response. This girl showed me kindness, yet she was losing hope and her own will to live. I found myself vowing to protect Solis the way she had to other long before. 

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